Source code for

from typing import Callable, Dict  # isort:skip

[docs]class Augmentor: """ Augmentation abstraction to use with data dictionaries. """
[docs] def __init__( self, dict_key: str, augment_fn: Callable, default_kwargs: Dict = None ): """ Args: dict_key: key to transform augment_fn: augmentation function to use default_kwargs: default kwargs for augmentations function """ self.dict_key = dict_key self.augment_fn = augment_fn self.default_kwargs = default_kwargs or {}
def __call__(self, dict_): dict_[self.dict_key ] = self.augment_fn(dict_[self.dict_key], **self.default_kwargs) return dict_
[docs]class AugmentorKeys: """Augmentation abstraction to match input and augmentations keys"""
[docs] def __init__(self, dict2fn_dict: Dict[str, str], augment_fn: Callable): """ :param dict2fn_dict: keys matching dict {input_key: augment_fn_key} ex: {"image": "image", "mask": "mask"} :param augment_fn: augmentation function """ self.dict2fn_dict = dict2fn_dict self.augment_fn = augment_fn
def __call__(self, dict_): """ :param dict_: dict - item form dataset :return dict_: dict - with augmented data """ # link keys from dict_ with augment_fn keys data = { fn_key: dict_[dict_key] for dict_key, fn_key in self.dict2fn_dict.items() } augmented = self.augment_fn(**data) # link keys from augment_fn back to dict_ keys results = { dict_key: augmented[fn_key] for dict_key, fn_key in self.dict2fn_dict.items() } return {**dict_, **results}
__all__ = ["Augmentor", "AugmentorKeys"]