Source code for catalyst.dl.utils.formatters

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
import json
import logging

from catalyst.dl.core.state import RunnerState
from catalyst.utils import format_metric

[docs]class MetricsFormatter(ABC, logging.Formatter): """ Abstract metrics formatter """
[docs] def __init__(self, message_prefix): """ Args: message_prefix: logging format string that will be prepended to message """ super().__init__(f"{message_prefix}{{message}}", style="{")
@abstractmethod def _format_message(self, state: RunnerState): pass
[docs] def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord): """ Format message string """ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences state = record.state record.msg = self._format_message(state) return super().format(record)
[docs]class TxtMetricsFormatter(MetricsFormatter): """ Translate batch metrics in human-readable format. This class is used by ``logging.Logger`` to make a string from record. For details refer to official docs for 'logging' module. Note: This is inner class used by Logger callback, no need to use it directly! """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initializes the ``TxtMetricsFormatter`` """ super().__init__("[{asctime}] ")
def _format_metrics(self, metrics): # metrics : dict[str: dict[str: float]] metrics_formatted = {} for key, value in metrics.items(): metrics_formatted_ = [ format_metric(m_name, m_value) for m_name, m_value in sorted(value.items()) ] metrics_formatted_ = " | ".join(metrics_formatted_) metrics_formatted[key] = metrics_formatted_ return metrics_formatted def _format_message(self, state: RunnerState): message = [""] metrics = self._format_metrics(state.metrics.epoch_values) for key, value in metrics.items(): message.append( f"{state.stage_epoch_log}/{state.num_epochs} " f"* Epoch {state.epoch_log} ({key}): {value}" ) message = "\n".join(message) return message
[docs]class JsonMetricsFormatter(MetricsFormatter): """ Translate batch metrics in json format. This class is used by ``logging.Logger`` to make a string from record. For details refer to official docs for 'logging' module. Note: This is inner class used by Logger callback, no need to use it directly! """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initializes the ``JsonMetricsFormatter`` """ super().__init__("")
def _format_message(self, state: RunnerState): res = dict( metirics=state.metrics.epoch_values.copy(), epoch=state.epoch, ) return json.dumps(res, indent=True, ensure_ascii=False)
__all__ = ["MetricsFormatter", "TxtMetricsFormatter", "JsonMetricsFormatter"]