Source code for catalyst.dl.callbacks.logging

from typing import Dict, List  # isort:skip
import logging
import os
import sys
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen

from tqdm import tqdm

from catalyst.dl import utils
from catalyst.dl.core import LoggerCallback, RunnerState
from catalyst.dl.utils.formatters import TxtMetricsFormatter
from catalyst.utils import format_metric
from catalyst.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter

[docs]class VerboseLogger(LoggerCallback): """ Logs the params into console """
[docs] def __init__( self, always_show: List[str] = None, never_show: List[str] = None, ): """ Args: always_show (List[str]): list of metrics to always show if None default is ``["_timers/_fps"]`` to remove always_show metrics set it to an empty list ``[]`` never_show (List[str]): list of metrics which will not be shown """ super().__init__() self.tqdm: tqdm = None self.step = 0 self.always_show = ( always_show if always_show is not None else ["_timers/_fps"] ) self.never_show = never_show if never_show is not None else [] intersection = set(self.always_show) & set(self.never_show) _error_message = ( f"Intersection of always_show and " f"never_show has common values: {intersection}" ) if bool(intersection): raise ValueError(_error_message)
def _need_show(self, key: str): not_is_never_shown: bool = key not in self.never_show is_always_shown: bool = key in self.always_show not_basic = not (key.startswith("_base") or key.startswith("_timers")) result = not_is_never_shown and (is_always_shown or not_basic) return result
[docs] def on_loader_start(self, state: RunnerState): """Init tqdm progress bar""" self.step = 0 self.tqdm = tqdm( total=state.loader_len, desc=f"{state.stage_epoch_log}/{state.num_epochs}" f" * Epoch ({state.loader_name})", leave=True, ncols=0, file=sys.stdout, )
[docs] def on_batch_end(self, state: RunnerState): """Update tqdm progress bar at the end of each batch""" self.tqdm.set_postfix( **{ k: "{:3.3f}".format(v) if v > 1e-3 else "{:1.3e}".format(v) for k, v in sorted(state.metrics.batch_values.items()) if self._need_show(k) } ) self.tqdm.update()
[docs] def on_loader_end(self, state: RunnerState): """Cleanup and close tqdm progress bar""" self.tqdm.close() self.tqdm = None self.step = 0
[docs] def on_exception(self, state: RunnerState): """Called if an Exception was raised""" exception = state.exception if not utils.is_exception(exception): return if isinstance(exception, KeyboardInterrupt): self.tqdm.write("Early exiting") state.need_reraise_exception = False
[docs]class ConsoleLogger(LoggerCallback): """ Logger callback, translates ``state.metrics`` to console and text file """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Init ``ConsoleLogger``""" super().__init__() self.logger = None
@staticmethod def _get_logger(logdir): logger = logging.getLogger("metrics_logger") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) fh = logging.FileHandler(f"{logdir}/log.txt") fh.setLevel(logging.INFO) ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) # @TODO: fix json logger # jh = logging.FileHandler(f"{logdir}/metrics.json") # jh.setLevel(logging.INFO) txt_formatter = TxtMetricsFormatter() # json_formatter = JsonMetricsFormatter() fh.setFormatter(txt_formatter) ch.setFormatter(txt_formatter) # jh.setFormatter(json_formatter) # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch) # logger.addHandler(jh) return logger
[docs] def on_stage_start(self, state: RunnerState): """Prepare ``state.logdir`` for the current stage""" assert state.logdir is not None state.logdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.logger = self._get_logger(state.logdir)
[docs] def on_stage_end(self, state): """Called at the end of each stage""" for handler in self.logger.handlers: handler.close() self.logger.handlers = []
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, state): """ Translate ``state.metrics`` to console and text file at the end of an epoch """"", extra={"state": state})
[docs]class TensorboardLogger(LoggerCallback): """ Logger callback, translates ``state.metrics`` to tensorboard """
[docs] def __init__( self, metric_names: List[str] = None, log_on_batch_end: bool = True, log_on_epoch_end: bool = True, ): """ Args: metric_names (List[str]): list of metric names to log, if none - logs everything log_on_batch_end (bool): logs per-batch metrics if set True log_on_epoch_end (bool): logs per-epoch metrics if set True """ super().__init__() self.metrics_to_log = metric_names self.log_on_batch_end = log_on_batch_end self.log_on_epoch_end = log_on_epoch_end if not (self.log_on_batch_end or self.log_on_epoch_end): raise ValueError("You have to log something!") self.loggers = dict()
def _log_metrics( self, metrics: Dict[str, float], step: int, mode: str, suffix="" ): if self.metrics_to_log is None: metrics_to_log = sorted(list(metrics.keys())) else: metrics_to_log = self.metrics_to_log for name in metrics_to_log: if name in metrics: self.loggers[mode].add_scalar( f"{name}{suffix}", metrics[name], step )
[docs] def on_loader_start(self, state): """Prepare tensorboard writers for the current stage""" lm = state.loader_name if lm not in self.loggers: log_dir = os.path.join(state.logdir, f"{lm}_log") self.loggers[lm] = SummaryWriter(log_dir)
[docs] def on_batch_end(self, state: RunnerState): """Translate batch metrics to tensorboard""" if self.log_on_batch_end: mode = state.loader_name metrics_ = state.metrics.batch_values self._log_metrics( metrics=metrics_, step=state.step, mode=mode, suffix="/batch" )
[docs] def on_loader_end(self, state: RunnerState): """Translate epoch metrics to tensorboard""" if self.log_on_epoch_end: mode = state.loader_name metrics_ = state.metrics.epoch_values[mode] self._log_metrics( metrics=metrics_, step=state.epoch_log, mode=mode, suffix="/epoch", ) for logger in self.loggers.values(): logger.flush()
[docs] def on_stage_end(self, state: RunnerState): """Close opened tensorboard writers""" for logger in self.loggers.values(): logger.close()
[docs]class TelegramLogger(LoggerCallback): """ Logger callback, translates ``state.metrics`` to telegram channel """
[docs] def __init__( self, token: str = None, chat_id: str = None, metric_names: List[str] = None, log_on_stage_start: bool = True, log_on_loader_start: bool = True, log_on_loader_end: bool = True, log_on_stage_end: bool = True, log_on_exception: bool = True, ): """ Args: token (str): telegram bot's token, see chat_id (str): Chat unique identifier metric_names: List of metric names to log. if none - logs everything. log_on_stage_start (bool): send notification on stage start log_on_loader_start (bool): send notification on loader start log_on_loader_end (bool): send notification on loader end log_on_stage_end (bool): send notification on stage end log_on_exception (bool): send notification on exception """ super().__init__() # @TODO: replace this logic with global catalyst config at ~/.catalyst self._token = token or os.environ.get("CATALYST_TELEGRAM_TOKEN", None) self._chat_id = ( chat_id or os.environ.get("CATALYST_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID", None) ) assert self._token is not None and self._chat_id is not None self._base_url = ( f"{self._token}/sendMessage" ) self.log_on_stage_start = log_on_stage_start self.log_on_loader_start = log_on_loader_start self.log_on_loader_end = log_on_loader_end self.log_on_stage_end = log_on_stage_end self.log_on_exception = log_on_exception self.metrics_to_log = metric_names
def _send_text(self, text: str): try: url = ( f"{self._base_url}?" f"chat_id={self._chat_id}&" f"disable_web_page_preview=1&" f"text={quote_plus(text, safe='')}" ) request = Request(url) urlopen(request) except Exception as e: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning(f"telegram.send.error:{e}")
[docs] def on_stage_start(self, state: RunnerState): """Notify about starting a new stage""" if self.log_on_stage_start: text = f"{state.stage} stage was started" self._send_text(text)
[docs] def on_loader_start(self, state: RunnerState): """Notify about starting running the new loader""" if self.log_on_loader_start: text = f"{state.loader_name} {state.epoch} epoch was started" self._send_text(text)
[docs] def on_loader_end(self, state: RunnerState): """Translate ``state.metrics`` to telegram channel""" if self.log_on_loader_end: metrics = state.metrics.epoch_values[state.loader_name] if self.metrics_to_log is None: metrics_to_log = sorted(list(metrics.keys())) else: metrics_to_log = self.metrics_to_log rows: List[str] = [ f"{state.loader_name} {state.epoch} epoch was finished:" ] for name in metrics_to_log: if name in metrics: rows.append(format_metric(name, metrics[name])) text = "\n".join(rows) self._send_text(text)
[docs] def on_stage_end(self, state: RunnerState): """Notify about finishing a stage""" if self.log_on_stage_end: text = f"{state.stage} stage was finished" self._send_text(text)
[docs] def on_exception(self, state: RunnerState): """Notify about raised Exception""" if self.log_on_exception: exception = state.exception if utils.is_exception(exception) and not isinstance( exception, KeyboardInterrupt ): text = ( f"`{type(exception).__name__}` exception was raised:\n" f"{exception}" ) self._send_text(text)
__all__ = [ "ConsoleLogger", "TelegramLogger", "TensorboardLogger", "VerboseLogger", ]