
Source code for catalyst.dl.callbacks.metrics.accuracy

from typing import List  # isort:skip

from catalyst.dl.core import MultiMetricCallback
from catalyst.utils import metrics

def _get_default_accuracy_args(num_classes: int) -> List[int]:
    Calculate list params for Accuracy@k and mAP@k
        num_classes (int): number of classes

        iterable: array of accuracy arguments

        >>> _get_default_accuracy_args(num_classes=4)
        >>> [1, 3]
        >>> _get_default_accuracy_args(num_classes=8)
        >>> [1, 3, 5]
    result = [1]

    if num_classes is None:
        return result

    if num_classes > 3:
    if num_classes > 5:

    return result

[docs]class AccuracyCallback(MultiMetricCallback): """ Accuracy metric callback. It can be used either for - multi-class task: -you can use accuracy_args. -threshold and activation are not required. -input_key point on tensor: batch_size. -output_key point on tensor: batch_size x num_classes. - OR multi-label task, in this case: -you must specify threshold and activation. -accuracy_args and num_classes will not be used (because of there is no method to apply top-k in multi-label classification). -input_key, output_key point on tensor: batch_size x num_classes. -output_key point on a tensor with binary vectors. There is no need to choose a type (multi-class/multi label). An appropriate type will be chosen automatically via shape of tensors. """
[docs] def __init__( self, input_key: str = "targets", output_key: str = "logits", prefix: str = "accuracy", accuracy_args: List[int] = None, num_classes: int = None, threshold: float = None, activation: str = None, ): """ Args: input_key (str): input key to use for accuracy calculation; specifies our `y_true`. output_key (str): output key to use for accuracy calculation; specifies our `y_pred`. prefix (str): key for the metric's name accuracy_args (List[int]): specifies which accuracy@K to log. [1] - accuracy [1, 3] - accuracy at 1 and 3 [1, 3, 5] - accuracy at 1, 3 and 5 num_classes (int): number of classes to calculate ``accuracy_args`` if ``accuracy_args`` is None threshold (float): threshold for outputs binarization. activation (str): An torch.nn activation applied to the outputs. Must be one of ["none", "Sigmoid", "Softmax"]. """ list_args = accuracy_args or _get_default_accuracy_args(num_classes) super().__init__( prefix=prefix, metric_fn=metrics.accuracy, list_args=list_args, input_key=input_key, output_key=output_key, topk=list_args, threshold=threshold, activation=activation, )
[docs]class MapKCallback(MultiMetricCallback): """ mAP@k metric callback. """
[docs] def __init__( self, input_key: str = "targets", output_key: str = "logits", prefix: str = "map", map_args: List[int] = None, num_classes: int = None, ): """ Args: input_key (str): input key to use for calculation mean average accuracy at k; specifies our `y_true`. output_key (str): output key to use for calculation mean average accuracy at k; specifies our `y_pred`. prefix (str): key for the metric's name map_args (List[int]): specifies which map@K to log. [1] - map@1 [1, 3] - map@1 and map@3 [1, 3, 5] - map@1, map@3 and map@5 num_classes (int): number of classes to calculate ``map_args`` if ``map_args`` is None """ list_args = map_args or _get_default_accuracy_args(num_classes) super().__init__( prefix=prefix, metric_fn=metrics.mean_average_accuracy, list_args=list_args, input_key=input_key, output_key=output_key, topk=list_args, )
__all__ = ["AccuracyCallback", "MapKCallback"]