
class catalyst.core.callback.CallbackOrder[source]

Bases: enum.IntFlag

An enumeration.

External = 200
Internal = 0
Logging = 100
Metric = 20
MetricAggregation = 40
Optimizer = 60
Scheduler = 120
Validation = 80
class catalyst.core.callback.CallbackNode[source]

Bases: enum.IntFlag

An enumeration.

All = 0
Master = 1
Worker = 2
class catalyst.core.callback.Callback(order: int, node: int = <CallbackNode.All: 0>, type: int = <CallbackType.Stage: 0>)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class that all callback (e.g., Logger) classes extends from. Must be extended before usage.

usage example:

-- stage start
---- epoch start (one epoch - one run of every loader)
------ loader start
-------- batch start
-------- batch handler
-------- batch end
------ loader end
---- epoch end
-- stage end

exception – if an Exception was raised

All callbacks has order value from CallbackOrder and node value from CallbackNode

__init__(order: int, node: int = <CallbackNode.All: 0>, type: int = <CallbackType.Stage: 0>)[source]

For order see CallbackOrder class

on_batch_end(state: _State)[source]
on_batch_start(state: _State)[source]
on_epoch_end(state: _State)[source]
on_epoch_start(state: _State)[source]
on_exception(state: _State)[source]
on_loader_end(state: _State)[source]
on_loader_start(state: _State)[source]
on_stage_end(state: _State)[source]
on_stage_start(state: _State)[source]
catalyst.core.registry.Callback(factory: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]] = None, *factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]], name: str = None, **named_factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]) → Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]

Adds factory to registry with it’s __name__ attribute or provided name. Signature is flexible.

  • factory – Factory instance

  • factories – More instances

  • name – Provided name for first instance. Use only when pass single instance.

  • named_factories – Factory and their names as kwargs


First factory passed

Return type


catalyst.core.registry.Criterion(factory: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]] = None, *factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]], name: str = None, **named_factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]) → Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]

Adds factory to registry with it’s __name__ attribute or provided name. Signature is flexible.

  • factory – Factory instance

  • factories – More instances

  • name – Provided name for first instance. Use only when pass single instance.

  • named_factories – Factory and their names as kwargs


First factory passed

Return type


catalyst.core.registry.Optimizer(factory: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]] = None, *factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]], name: str = None, **named_factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]) → Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]

Adds factory to registry with it’s __name__ attribute or provided name. Signature is flexible.

  • factory – Factory instance

  • factories – More instances

  • name – Provided name for first instance. Use only when pass single instance.

  • named_factories – Factory and their names as kwargs


First factory passed

Return type


catalyst.core.registry.Scheduler(factory: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]] = None, *factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]], name: str = None, **named_factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]) → Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]

Adds factory to registry with it’s __name__ attribute or provided name. Signature is flexible.

  • factory – Factory instance

  • factories – More instances

  • name – Provided name for first instance. Use only when pass single instance.

  • named_factories – Factory and their names as kwargs


First factory passed

Return type


catalyst.core.registry.Module(factory: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]] = None, *factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]], name: str = None, **named_factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]) → Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]

Adds factory to registry with it’s __name__ attribute or provided name. Signature is flexible.

  • factory – Factory instance

  • factories – More instances

  • name – Provided name for first instance. Use only when pass single instance.

  • named_factories – Factory and their names as kwargs


First factory passed

Return type


catalyst.core.registry.Model(factory: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]] = None, *factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]], name: str = None, **named_factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]) → Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]

Adds factory to registry with it’s __name__ attribute or provided name. Signature is flexible.

  • factory – Factory instance

  • factories – More instances

  • name – Provided name for first instance. Use only when pass single instance.

  • named_factories – Factory and their names as kwargs


First factory passed

Return type


catalyst.core.registry.Sampler(factory: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]] = None, *factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]], name: str = None, **named_factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]) → Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]

Adds factory to registry with it’s __name__ attribute or provided name. Signature is flexible.

  • factory – Factory instance

  • factories – More instances

  • name – Provided name for first instance. Use only when pass single instance.

  • named_factories – Factory and their names as kwargs


First factory passed

Return type


catalyst.core.registry.Transform(factory: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]] = None, *factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]], name: str = None, **named_factories: Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]) → Union[Type, Callable[[...], Any]]

Adds factory to registry with it’s __name__ attribute or provided name. Signature is flexible.

  • factory – Factory instance

  • factories – More instances

  • name – Provided name for first instance. Use only when pass single instance.

  • named_factories – Factory and their names as kwargs


First factory passed

Return type



class catalyst.core.callbacks.checkpoint.CheckpointCallback(save_n_best: int = 1, resume: str = None, resume_dir: str = None, metrics_filename: str = '_metrics.json')[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callbacks.checkpoint.BaseCheckpointCallback

Checkpoint callback to save/restore your model/criterion/optimizer/metrics.

__init__(save_n_best: int = 1, resume: str = None, resume_dir: str = None, metrics_filename: str = '_metrics.json')[source]
  • save_n_best (int) – number of best checkpoint to keep

  • resume (str) – path to checkpoint to load and initialize runner state

  • metrics_filename (str) – filename to save metrics in checkpoint folder. Must ends on .json or .yml

get_checkpoint_suffix(checkpoint: dict) → str[source]
on_epoch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_stage_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_stage_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
process_checkpoint(logdir: Union[str, pathlib.Path], checkpoint: Dict, is_best: bool, main_metric: str = 'loss', minimize_metric: bool = True)[source]
process_metrics(last_valid_metrics) → Dict[source]
truncate_checkpoints(minimize_metric: bool) → None[source]
class catalyst.core.callbacks.checkpoint.IterationCheckpointCallback(save_n_last: int = 1, period: int = 100, stage_restart: bool = True, metrics_filename: str = '_metrics_iter.json')[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callbacks.checkpoint.BaseCheckpointCallback

Iteration checkpoint callback to save your model/criterion/optimizer

__init__(save_n_last: int = 1, period: int = 100, stage_restart: bool = True, metrics_filename: str = '_metrics_iter.json')[source]
  • save_n_last (int) – number of last checkpoint to keep

  • period (int) – save the checkpoint every period

  • stage_restart (bool) – restart counter every stage or not

  • metrics_filename (str) – filename to save metrics in checkpoint folder. Must ends on .json or .yml

get_checkpoint_suffix(checkpoint: dict) → str[source]
on_batch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_stage_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
process_checkpoint(logdir: Union[str, pathlib.Path], checkpoint: Dict, batch_metrics: Dict[str, float])[source]
process_metrics() → Dict[source]
truncate_checkpoints(**kwargs) → None[source]
class catalyst.core.callbacks.criterion.CriterionCallback(input_key: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]] = 'targets', output_key: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]] = 'logits', prefix: str = 'loss', criterion_key: str = None, multiplier: float = 1.0, **metric_kwargs)[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callbacks.metrics._MetricCallback

Callback for that measures loss with specified criterion.

__init__(input_key: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]] = 'targets', output_key: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]] = 'logits', prefix: str = 'loss', criterion_key: str = None, multiplier: float = 1.0, **metric_kwargs)[source]
  • input_key (Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]]) – key/list/dict of keys that takes values from the input dictionary If ‘__all__’, the whole input will be passed to the criterion If None, empty dict will be passed to the criterion.

  • output_key (Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]]) – key/list/dict of keys that takes values from the input dictionary If ‘__all__’, the whole output will be passed to the criterion If None, empty dict will be passed to the criterion.

  • prefix (str) – prefix for metrics and output key for loss in state.batch_metrics dictionary

  • criterion_key (str) – A key to take a criterion in case there are several of them and they are in a dictionary format.

  • multiplier (float) – scale factor for the output loss.

property metric_fn
on_stage_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

Checks that the current stage has correct criterion

class catalyst.core.callbacks.formatters.MetricsFormatter(message_prefix)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC, logging.Formatter

Abstract metrics formatter


message_prefix – logging format string that will be prepended to message

format(record: logging.LogRecord)[source]

Format message string

class catalyst.core.callbacks.formatters.TxtMetricsFormatter[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callbacks.formatters.MetricsFormatter

Translate batch metrics in human-readable format.

This class is used by logging.Logger to make a string from record. For details refer to official docs for ‘logging’ module.


This is inner class used by Logger callback, no need to use it directly!


Initializes the TxtMetricsFormatter

class catalyst.core.callbacks.formatters.JsonMetricsFormatter[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callbacks.formatters.MetricsFormatter

Translate batch metrics in json format.

This class is used by logging.Logger to make a string from record. For details refer to official docs for ‘logging’ module.


This is inner class used by Logger callback, no need to use it directly!


Initializes the JsonMetricsFormatter

class catalyst.core.callbacks.logging.ConsoleLogger[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callback.Callback

Logger callback, translates state.*_metrics to console and text file


Init ConsoleLogger


Translate state.metric_manager to console and text file at the end of an epoch


Called at the end of each stage

on_stage_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

Prepare state.logdir for the current stage

class catalyst.core.callbacks.logging.TensorboardLogger(metric_names: List[str] = None, log_on_batch_end: bool = True, log_on_epoch_end: bool = True)[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callback.Callback

Logger callback, translates state.metric_manager to tensorboard

__init__(metric_names: List[str] = None, log_on_batch_end: bool = True, log_on_epoch_end: bool = True)[source]
  • metric_names (List[str]) – list of metric names to log, if none - logs everything

  • log_on_batch_end (bool) – logs per-batch metrics if set True

  • log_on_epoch_end (bool) – logs per-epoch metrics if set True

on_batch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

Translate batch metrics to tensorboard

on_epoch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

Translate epoch metrics to tensorboard


Prepare tensorboard writers for the current stage

on_stage_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

Close opened tensorboard writers

class catalyst.core.callbacks.logging.VerboseLogger(always_show: List[str] = None, never_show: List[str] = None)[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callback.Callback

Logs the params into console

__init__(always_show: List[str] = None, never_show: List[str] = None)[source]
  • always_show (List[str]) – list of metrics to always show if None default is ["_timer/_fps"] to remove always_show metrics set it to an empty list []

  • never_show (List[str]) – list of metrics which will not be shown

on_batch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

Update tqdm progress bar at the end of each batch

on_exception(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

Called if an Exception was raised

on_loader_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

Cleanup and close tqdm progress bar

on_loader_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

Init tqdm progress bar

class catalyst.core.callbacks.optimizer.OptimizerCallback(loss_key: str = 'loss', optimizer_key: str = None, accumulation_steps: int = 1, grad_clip_params: Dict = None, decouple_weight_decay: bool = True)[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callback.Callback

Optimizer callback, abstraction over optimizer step.

__init__(loss_key: str = 'loss', optimizer_key: str = None, accumulation_steps: int = 1, grad_clip_params: Dict = None, decouple_weight_decay: bool = True)[source]
  • grad_clip_params (dict) – params for gradient clipping

  • accumulation_steps (int) – number of steps before model.zero_grad()

  • optimizer_key (str) – A key to take a optimizer in case there are several of them and they are in a dictionary format.

  • loss_key (str) – key to get loss from state.loss

  • decouple_weight_decay (bool) – If True - decouple weight decay regularization.

  • save_model_grads (#) – If True - State.model_grads will

  • contain gradients calculated (#) –

  • on backward propagation on current (#) –

  • batch (#) –

static grad_step(*, optimizer: torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer, optimizer_wds: List[float] = 0, grad_clip_fn: Callable = None)[source]

Makes a gradient step for a given optimizer

  • optimizer (Optimizer) – the optimizer

  • optimizer_wds (List[float]) – list of weight decay parameters for each param group

  • grad_clip_fn (Callable) – function for gradient clipping

on_batch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

On batch end event

on_epoch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

On epoch end event

on_epoch_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

On epoch start event

on_stage_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]

Checks that the current stage has correct optimizer

class catalyst.core.callbacks.phase.PhaseManagerCallback(train_phases: OrderedDict[str, int] = None, valid_phases: OrderedDict[str, int] = None, valid_mode: str = None)[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callback.Callback

PhaseManagerCallback updates state.phase

allowed_valid_modes = ['same', 'all']
on_batch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_batch_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
class catalyst.core.callbacks.scheduler.SchedulerCallback(scheduler_key: str = None, mode: str = None, reduced_metric: str = 'loss')[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callback.Callback

on_batch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_epoch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_loader_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_stage_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
step_batch(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
step_epoch(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
class catalyst.core.callbacks.scheduler.LRUpdater(optimizer_key: str = None)[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callback.Callback

Basic class that all Lr updaters inherit from

__init__(optimizer_key: str = None)[source]

optimizer_key – which optimizer key to use for learning rate scheduling

on_batch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_loader_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_stage_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
update_optimizer(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
class catalyst.core.callbacks.wrappers.PhaseWrapperCallback(base_callback: catalyst.core.callback.Callback, active_phases: List[str] = None, inactive_phases: List[str] = None)[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callback.Callback

CallbackWrapper which disables/enables handlers dependant on current phase and event type

May be useful i.e. to disable/enable optimizers & losses

LEVEL_BATCH = 'batch'
LEVEL_EPOCH = 'epoch'
LEVEL_LOADER = 'loader'
LEVEL_STAGE = 'stage'
TIME_END = 'end'
TIME_START = 'start'
is_active_on_phase(phase, level, time)[source]
on_batch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_batch_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_epoch_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_epoch_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_exception(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_loader_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_loader_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_stage_end(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
on_stage_start(state: catalyst.core.state._State)[source]
class catalyst.core.callbacks.wrappers.PhaseBatchWrapperCallback(base_callback: catalyst.core.callback.Callback, active_phases: List[str] = None, inactive_phases: List[str] = None)[source]

Bases: catalyst.core.callbacks.wrappers.PhaseWrapperCallback

is_active_on_phase(phase, level, time)[source]