
Source code for catalyst.utils.sys

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import platform
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import warnings

from import SummaryWriter

from .config import save_config
from .misc import get_utcnow_time

def _decode_dict(dictionary: Dict[str, Union[bytes, str]]) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Decode bytes values in the dictionary to UTF-8.

        dictionary: a dict

        dict: decoded dict
    result = {
        k: v.decode("UTF-8") if type(v) == bytes else v
        for k, v in dictionary.items()
    return result

[docs]def get_environment_vars() -> Dict[str, Any]: """Creates a dictionary with environment variables. Returns: dict: environment variables """ result = { "python_version": sys.version, "conda_environment": os.environ.get("CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV", ""), "creation_time": get_utcnow_time(), "sysname": platform.uname()[0], "nodename": platform.uname()[1], "release": platform.uname()[2], "version": platform.uname()[3], "architecture": platform.uname()[4], "user": os.environ.get("USER", ""), "path": os.environ.get("PWD", ""), } with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull: try: git_branch = ( subprocess.check_output( "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD".split(), shell=True, stderr=devnull, ) .strip() .decode("UTF-8") ) git_local_commit = subprocess.check_output( "git rev-parse HEAD".split(), shell=True, stderr=devnull ) git_origin_commit = subprocess.check_output( f"git rev-parse origin/{git_branch}".split(), shell=True, stderr=devnull, ) git = { "branch": git_branch, "local_commit": git_local_commit, "origin_commit": git_origin_commit, } result["git"] = _decode_dict(git) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): pass result = _decode_dict(result) return result
[docs]def list_pip_packages() -> str: """ @TODO: Docs. Contribution is welcome """ result = "" with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull: try: result = ( subprocess.check_output("pip freeze".split(), stderr=devnull) .strip() .decode("UTF-8") ) except Exception as e: warnings.warn( f"Failed to freeze pip packages. " f"Pip Output: ```{e.output}```." f"Continue experiment without pip packages dumping." ) pass # except FileNotFoundError: # pass # except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # raise Exception("Failed to list packages") from e return result
[docs]def list_conda_packages() -> str: """ @TODO: Docs. Contribution is welcome """ result = "" conda_meta_path = Path(sys.prefix) / "conda-meta" if conda_meta_path.exists(): # We are currently in conda virtual env with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull: try: result = ( subprocess.check_output( "conda list --export".split(), stderr=devnull ) .strip() .decode("UTF-8") ) except Exception as e: warnings.warn( f"Running from conda env, " f"but failed to list conda packages. " f"Conda Output: ```{e.output}```." f"Continue experiment without conda packages dumping." ) pass # except FileNotFoundError: # pass # except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # raise Exception( # f"Running from conda env, " # f"but failed to list conda packages. " # f"Conda Output: {e.output}" # ) from e return result
[docs]def dump_environment( experiment_config: Dict, logdir: str, configs_path: List[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Saves config, environment variables and package list in JSON into logdir. Args: experiment_config (dict): experiment config logdir (str): path to logdir configs_path: path(s) to config """ configs_path = configs_path or [] configs_path = [ Path(path) for path in configs_path if isinstance(path, str) ] config_dir = Path(logdir) / "configs" config_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) environment = get_environment_vars() save_config(experiment_config, config_dir / "_config.json") save_config(environment, config_dir / "_environment.json") pip_pkg = list_pip_packages() (config_dir / "pip-packages.txt").write_text(pip_pkg) conda_pkg = list_conda_packages() if conda_pkg: (config_dir / "conda-packages.txt").write_text(conda_pkg) for path in configs_path: name: str = outpath = config_dir / name shutil.copyfile(path, outpath) config_str = json.dumps(experiment_config, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) config_str = config_str.replace("\n", "\n\n") environment_str = json.dumps(environment, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) environment_str = environment_str.replace("\n", "\n\n") pip_pkg = pip_pkg.replace("\n", "\n\n") conda_pkg = conda_pkg.replace("\n", "\n\n") with SummaryWriter(config_dir) as writer: writer.add_text("_config", config_str, 0) writer.add_text("_environment", environment_str, 0) writer.add_text("pip-packages", pip_pkg, 0) if conda_pkg: writer.add_text("conda-packages", conda_pkg, 0)
__all__ = [ "get_environment_vars", "list_conda_packages", "list_pip_packages", "dump_environment", ]