
Source code for

# flake8: noqa
# @TODO: code formatting issue for 20.07 release
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import tempfile

import imageio
import numpy as np
from skimage.color import label2rgb, rgb2gray

from import settings

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if settings.use_libjpeg_turbo:
        import jpeg4py as jpeg

        # check libjpeg-turbo availability through image reading
        _test_img = np.zeros((1, 1, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".jpg") as fp:
            imageio.imwrite(, _test_img)
            _test_img = jpeg.JPEG(

    except ImportError as ex:
            "jpeg4py not available. "
            "To install jpeg4py, run `pip install jpeg4py`."
        raise ex
    except OSError as ex:
            "libjpeg-turbo not available. "
            "To install libjpeg-turbo, run `apt-get install libturbojpeg`."
        raise ex

[docs]def imread( uri, grayscale: bool = False, expand_dims: bool = True, rootpath: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = None, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Reads an image from the specified file. Args: uri (str, pathlib.Path, bytes, file): the resource to load the image from, e.g. a filename, ``pathlib.Path``, http address or file object, see ``imageio.imread`` docs for more info grayscale (bool): if True, make all images grayscale expand_dims (bool): if True, append channel axis to grayscale images rootpath (Union[str, pathlib.Path]): path to the resource with image (allows to use relative path) rootpath (Union[str, pathlib.Path]): path to the resource with image (allows to use relative path) **kwargs: extra params for image read Returns: np.ndarray: image """ uri = str(uri) if rootpath is not None: rootpath = str(rootpath) uri = uri if uri.startswith(rootpath) else os.path.join(rootpath, uri) if settings.use_libjpeg_turbo and uri.endswith( ("jpg", "JPG", "jpeg", "JPEG") ): img = jpeg.JPEG(uri).decode() else: # @TODO: add tiff support, currently – jpg and png img = imageio.imread(uri, as_gray=grayscale, pilmode="RGB", **kwargs) if grayscale: img = rgb2gray(img) if expand_dims and len(img.shape) < 3: # grayscale img = np.expand_dims(img, -1) return img
[docs]def imwrite(**kwargs): """ ``imwrite(uri, im, format=None, **kwargs)`` Write an image to the specified file. Alias for ``imageio.imwrite``. Args: **kwargs: parameters for ``imageio.imwrite`` Returns: image save result """ return imageio.imwrite(**kwargs)
[docs]def imsave(**kwargs): """ ``imwrite(uri, im, format=None, **kwargs)`` Write an image to the specified file. Alias for ``imageio.imsave``. Args: **kwargs: parameters for ``imageio.imsave`` Returns: image save result """ return imageio.imsave(**kwargs)
[docs]def mimread( uri, clip_range: Tuple[int, int] = None, expand_dims: bool = True, rootpath: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = None, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Reads multiple images from the specified file. Args: uri (str, pathlib.Path, bytes, file): the resource to load the image from, e.g. a filename, ``pathlib.Path``, http address or file object, see ``imageio.mimread`` docs for more info clip_range (Tuple[int, int]): lower and upper interval edges, image values outside the interval are clipped to the interval edges expand_dims (bool): if True, append channel axis to grayscale images rootpath (Union[str, pathlib.Path]): path to the resource with image (allows to use relative path) rootpath (Union[str, pathlib.Path]): path to the resource with image (allows to use relative path) **kwargs: extra params for image read Returns: np.ndarray: image """ if rootpath is not None: uri = uri if uri.startswith(rootpath) else os.path.join(rootpath, uri) image = np.dstack(imageio.mimread(uri, **kwargs)) if clip_range is not None: image = np.clip(image, *clip_range) if expand_dims and len(image.shape) < 3: # grayscale image = np.expand_dims(image, -1) return image
[docs]def mimwrite_with_meta(uri, ims, meta, **kwargs): """@TODO: Docs. Contribution is welcome.""" writer = imageio.get_writer(uri, mode="I", **kwargs) writer.set_meta_data(meta) with writer: for i in ims: writer.append_data(i)
[docs]def mask_to_overlay_image( image: np.ndarray, masks: List[np.ndarray], threshold: float = 0, mask_strength: float = 0.5, ) -> np.ndarray: """Draws every mask for with some color over image. Args: image (np.ndarray): RGB image used as underlay for masks masks (List[np.ndarray]): list of masks threshold (float): threshold for masks binarization mask_strength (float): opacity of colorized masks Returns: np.ndarray: HxWx3 image with overlay """ h, w = image.shape[:2] labels = np.zeros((h, w), np.uint8) for idx, mask in enumerate(masks, start=1): labels[mask > threshold] = idx mask = label2rgb(labels, bg_label=0) image = np.array(image) / 255.0 image_with_overlay = image * (1 - mask_strength) + mask * mask_strength image_with_overlay = ( (image_with_overlay * 255).clip(0, 255).round().astype(np.uint8) ) return image_with_overlay
[docs]def has_image_extension(uri) -> bool: """Check that file has image extension. Args: uri (Union[str, pathlib.Path]): the resource to load the file from Returns: bool: True if file has image extension, False otherwise """ _, ext = os.path.splitext(uri) return ext.lower() in {".bmp", ".png", ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".tif", ".tiff"}
__all__ = [ "has_image_extension", "imread", "imwrite", "imsave", "mask_to_overlay_image", "mimread", "mimwrite_with_meta", ]