
Source code for catalyst.callbacks.metric

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
import logging

import numpy as np

import torch

from catalyst.core.callback import Callback, CallbackNode, CallbackOrder
from import AverageValueMeter
from catalyst.utils.dict import get_dictkey_auto_fn
from catalyst.utils.distributed import get_distributed_mean

    from catalyst.core.runner import IRunner

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class IMetricCallback(ABC, Callback): """Callback abstraction for metric computation."""
[docs] def __init__( self, prefix: str, input_key: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]] = "targets", output_key: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]] = "logits", multiplier: float = 1.0, **metrics_kwargs, ): """ Args: prefix: key prefix to store computed batch/loader/epoch metrics input_key: input key to use for metric calculation; specifies our `y_true` output_key: output key to use for metric calculation; specifies our `y_pred` multiplier: scalar for metric reweighting **metrics_kwargs: extra metric params to pass for metric computation """ super().__init__(order=CallbackOrder.metric, node=CallbackNode.all) self.prefix = prefix self.input_key = input_key self.output_key = output_key self.multiplier = multiplier self.metrics_kwargs = metrics_kwargs self._get_input = get_dictkey_auto_fn(self.input_key) self._get_output = get_dictkey_auto_fn(self.output_key) kv_types = (dict, tuple, list, type(None)) is_value_input = ( isinstance(self.input_key, str) and self.input_key != "__all__" ) is_value_output = ( isinstance(self.output_key, str) and self.output_key != "__all__" ) is_kv_input = ( isinstance(self.input_key, kv_types) or self.input_key == "__all__" ) is_kv_output = ( isinstance(self.output_key, kv_types) or self.output_key == "__all__" ) if hasattr(self, "_compute_metric"): pass # overridden in descendants elif is_value_input and is_value_output: self._compute_metric = self._compute_metric_value elif is_kv_input and is_kv_output: self._compute_metric = self._compute_metric_key_value else: raise NotImplementedError()
@property @abstractmethod def metric_fn(self): """Specifies used metric function.""" pass def _compute_metric_value(self, output: Dict, input: Dict): """ Compute metric for value-based case. For example accuracy on `y_pred` and `y_true`. Args: output: dictionary with output (`y_pred`) values for metric computation input: dictionary with input (`y_true`) values for metric computation Returns: computed metric """ output = self._get_output(output, self.output_key) input = self._get_input(input, self.input_key) metric = self.metric_fn(output, input, **self.metrics_kwargs) return metric def _compute_metric_key_value(self, output: Dict, input: Dict): """ Compute metric for key-value-based case. For example accuracy on `y_pred` and `y_true` and `sample_weights`. Args: output: dictionary with output (`y_pred`) values for metric computation input: dictionary with input (`y_true`, `sample_weights`) values for metric computation Returns: computed metric """ output = self._get_output(output, self.output_key) input = self._get_input(input, self.input_key) metric = self.metric_fn(**output, **input, **self.metrics_kwargs) return metric def _process_computed_metric(self, metric: Union[Dict, float]) -> Dict: """ Process metric for key-value-based logging. Scales by `multiplier`, add appropriate naming. Args: metric: Returns: Dict: processed scaled metric(s) with names """ if isinstance(metric, dict): metric = { f"{self.prefix}{key}": value * self.multiplier for key, value in metric.items() } elif isinstance(metric, (float, int, torch.Tensor)): metric = {f"{self.prefix}": metric * self.multiplier} else: raise NotImplementedError() return metric
[docs]class IBatchMetricCallback(IMetricCallback): """ Batch-based metric callback. Computes metric on batch and saves for logging. """
[docs] def on_batch_end(self, runner: "IRunner") -> None: """Computes metrics and add them to batch metrics.""" metrics = self._compute_metric(runner.output, runner.input) metrics = self._process_computed_metric(metrics) runner.batch_metrics.update(**metrics)
[docs]class ILoaderMetricCallback(IMetricCallback): """ Loader-based metric callback. Stores input/output values during loaders run and computes metric in the end. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Init. Args: **kwargs: `IMetricCallback` params. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input = defaultdict(lambda: []) self.output = defaultdict(lambda: [])
[docs] def on_loader_start(self, runner: "IRunner"): """Reinitialises internal storage.""" self.input = defaultdict(lambda: []) self.output = defaultdict(lambda: [])
[docs] def on_batch_end(self, runner: "IRunner") -> None: """Stores new input/output for the metric computation.""" output = self._get_output(runner.output, self.output_key) input = self._get_input(runner.input, self.input_key) for data, storage in zip((input, output), (self.input, self.output)): if isinstance(data, dict): for key, value in data.items(): storage[key].append(value.detach().cpu().numpy()) else: storage["_data"].append(data.detach().cpu().numpy())
[docs] def on_loader_end(self, runner: "IRunner"): """Computes loader-based metric. Args: runner: current runner """ input = { key: torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate(self.input[key], axis=0)) for key in self.input } output = { key: torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate(self.output[key], axis=0)) for key in self.output } input = {self.input_key: input["_data"]} if len(input) == 1 else input output = ( {self.output_key: output["_data"]} if len(output) == 1 else output ) metrics = self._compute_metric(output, input) metrics = self._process_computed_metric(metrics) runner.loader_metrics.update(**metrics)
[docs]class BatchMetricCallback(IBatchMetricCallback): """A callback that returns single metric on `runner.on_batch_end`."""
[docs] def __init__( self, prefix: str, metric_fn: Callable, input_key: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]] = "targets", output_key: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]] = "logits", multiplier: float = 1.0, **metric_kwargs, ): """Init. Args: prefix: key prefix to store computed batch/loader/epoch metrics input_key: input key to use for metric calculation; specifies our `y_true` output_key: output key to use for metric calculation; specifies our `y_pred` multiplier: scalar for metric reweighting **metrics_kwargs: extra metric params to pass for metric computation """ super().__init__( prefix=prefix, input_key=input_key, output_key=output_key, multiplier=multiplier, **metric_kwargs, ) self.metric = metric_fn
@property def metric_fn(self): """Specifies used metric function.""" return self.metric
[docs]class LoaderMetricCallback(ILoaderMetricCallback): """A callback that returns single metric on `runner.on_batch_end`."""
[docs] def __init__( self, prefix: str, metric_fn: Callable, input_key: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]] = "targets", output_key: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]] = "logits", multiplier: float = 1.0, **metric_kwargs, ): """Init. Args: prefix: key prefix to store computed batch/loader/epoch metrics input_key: input key to use for metric calculation; specifies our `y_true` output_key: output key to use for metric calculation; specifies our `y_pred` multiplier: scalar for metric reweighting **metrics_kwargs: extra metric params to pass for metric computation """ super().__init__( prefix=prefix, input_key=input_key, output_key=output_key, multiplier=multiplier, **metric_kwargs, ) self.metric = metric_fn
@property def metric_fn(self): """Specifies used metric function.""" return self.metric
[docs]class MetricAggregationCallback(Callback): """A callback to aggregate several metrics in one value."""
[docs] def __init__( self, prefix: str, metrics: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, float]] = None, mode: str = "mean", scope: str = "batch", multiplier: float = 1.0, ) -> None: """ Args: prefix: new key for aggregated metric. metrics (Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, float]]): If not None, it aggregates only the values from the metric by these keys. for ``weighted_sum`` aggregation it must be a Dict[str, float]. mode: function for aggregation. Must be either ``sum``, ``mean`` or ``weighted_sum``. multiplier: scale factor for the aggregated metric. """ super().__init__( order=CallbackOrder.metric_aggregation, node=CallbackNode.all ) if prefix is None or not isinstance(prefix, str): raise ValueError("prefix must be str") if mode in ("sum", "mean"): if metrics is not None and not isinstance(metrics, list): raise ValueError( "For `sum` or `mean` mode the metrics must be " "None or list or str (not dict)" ) elif mode in ("weighted_sum", "weighted_mean"): if metrics is None or not isinstance(metrics, dict): raise ValueError( "For `weighted_sum` or `weighted_mean` mode " "the metrics must be specified " "and must be a dict" ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "mode must be `sum`, `mean` " "or `weighted_sum` or `weighted_mean`" ) assert scope in ("batch", "loader", "epoch") if isinstance(metrics, str): metrics = [metrics] self.prefix = prefix self.metrics = metrics self.mode = mode self.scope = scope self.multiplier = multiplier if mode in ("sum", "weighted_sum", "weighted_mean"): self.aggregation_fn = ( lambda x: torch.sum(torch.stack(x)) * multiplier ) if mode == "weighted_mean": weights_sum = sum(metrics.items()) self.metrics = { key: weight / weights_sum for key, weight in metrics.items() } elif mode == "mean": self.aggregation_fn = ( lambda x: torch.mean(torch.stack(x)) * multiplier )
def _preprocess(self, metrics: Any) -> List[float]: if self.metrics is not None: if self.mode == "weighted_sum": result = [ metrics[key] * value for key, value in self.metrics.items() ] else: result = [metrics[key] for key in self.metrics] else: result = list(metrics.values()) return result def _process_metrics(self, metrics: Dict): metrics_processed = self._preprocess(metrics) metric_aggregated = self.aggregation_fn(metrics_processed) metrics[self.prefix] = metric_aggregated
[docs] def on_batch_end(self, runner: "IRunner") -> None: """Computes the metric and add it to the batch metrics. Args: runner: current runner """ if self.scope == "batch": self._process_metrics(runner.batch_metrics)
[docs] def on_loader_end(self, runner: "IRunner"): """Computes the metric and add it to the loader metrics. Args: runner: current runner """ if self.scope == "loader": self._process_metrics(runner.loader_metrics)
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, runner: "IRunner"): """Computes the metric and add it to the epoch metrics. Args: runner: current runner """ if self.scope == "epoch": self._process_metrics(runner.epoch_metrics)
[docs]class MetricManagerCallback(Callback): """ Prepares metrics for logging, transferring values from PyTorch to numpy. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Init.""" super().__init__( order=CallbackOrder.logging - 1, node=CallbackNode.all, ) self.meters: Dict[str, AverageValueMeter] = None
[docs] @staticmethod def to_single_value(value: Any) -> float: """Convert any value to float. Args: value: some value Returns: result """ if hasattr(value, "item"): value = value.item() value = float(value) return value
@staticmethod def _process_metrics(metrics: Dict[str, Any]): output = {} for key, value in metrics.items(): value = get_distributed_mean(value) value = MetricManagerCallback.to_single_value(value) output[key] = value return output
[docs] def on_epoch_start(self, runner: "IRunner") -> None: """Epoch start hook. Args: runner: current runner """ runner.epoch_metrics = defaultdict(None)
[docs] def on_loader_start(self, runner: "IRunner") -> None: """Loader start hook. Args: runner: current runner """ runner.loader_metrics = defaultdict(None) self.meters = defaultdict(AverageValueMeter)
[docs] def on_batch_start(self, runner: "IRunner") -> None: """Batch start hook. Args: runner: current runner """ runner.batch_metrics = defaultdict(None)
[docs] def on_batch_end(self, runner: "IRunner") -> None: """Batch end hook. Args: runner: current runner """ runner.batch_metrics = self._process_metrics(runner.batch_metrics) for key, value in runner.batch_metrics.items(): self.meters[key].add(value, runner.batch_size)
[docs] def on_loader_end(self, runner: "IRunner") -> None: """Loader end hook. Args: runner: current runner """ for key, value in self.meters.items(): value = value.mean runner.loader_metrics[key] = value for key, value in runner.loader_metrics.items(): runner.epoch_metrics[f"{runner.loader_name}_{key}"] = value
# backward compatibility MetricCallback = BatchMetricCallback __all__ = [ "IMetricCallback", "IBatchMetricCallback", "ILoaderMetricCallback", "BatchMetricCallback", "LoaderMetricCallback", "MetricCallback", "MetricAggregationCallback", "MetricManagerCallback", ]