
Source code for catalyst.callbacks.quantization

from typing import Dict, Optional, Set, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
from pathlib import Path

import torch
from torch import quantization

from catalyst.core.callback import Callback, CallbackOrder
from catalyst.utils.quantization import save_quantized_model

    from catalyst.core.runner import IRunner

[docs]class DynamicQuantizationCallback(Callback): """Dynamic Quantization Callback This callback applying dynamic quantization to the model. """
[docs] def __init__( self, metric: str = "loss", minimize: bool = True, min_delta: float = 1e-6, mode: str = "best", do_once: bool = True, qconfig_spec: Optional[Union[Set, Dict]] = None, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = torch.qint8, out_dir: Union[str, Path] = None, out_model: Union[str, Path] = None, backend: str = None, ): """Init method for callback Args: metric: Metric key we should trace model based on minimize: Whether do we minimize metric or not min_delta: Minimum value of change for metric to be considered as improved mode: One of `best` or `last` do_once: Whether do we trace once per stage or every epoch qconfig_spec: torch.quantization.quantize_dynamic parameter, you can define layers to be quantize dtype: type of the model parameters, default int8 out_dir (Union[str, Path]): Directory to save model to out_model (Union[str, Path]): Path to save model to (overrides `out_dir` argument) backend: defines backend for quantization """ super().__init__(order=CallbackOrder.external) if mode not in ["best", "last"]: raise ValueError( f"Unknown `mode` '{mode}'. " f"Must be 'best' or 'last'" ) self.metric = metric self.mode = mode self.do_once = do_once self.best_score = None self.is_better = None self.first_time = True if minimize: self.is_better = lambda score, best: score <= (best - min_delta) else: self.is_better = lambda score, best: score >= (best + min_delta) self.opt_level = None if out_model is not None: out_model = Path(out_model) self.out_model = out_model if out_dir is not None: out_dir = Path(out_dir) self.out_dir = out_dir self.qconfig_spec = qconfig_spec self.dtype = dtype if backend is not None: torch.backends.quantized.engine = backend
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, runner: "IRunner"): """ Performing model quantization on epoch end if condition metric is improved Args: runner: current runner """ if not self.do_once: if self.mode == "best": score = runner.valid_metrics[self.metric] if self.best_score is None: self.best_score = score if self.is_better(score, self.best_score) or self.first_time: self.best_score = score quantized_model = quantization.quantize_dynamic( runner.model.cpu(), qconfig_spec=self.qconfig_spec, dtype=self.dtype, ) save_quantized_model( model=quantized_model, logdir=runner.logdir, checkpoint_name=self.mode, out_model=self.out_model, out_dir=self.out_dir, ) self.first_time = False else: quantized_model = quantization.quantize_dynamic( runner.model.cpu(), qconfig_spec=self.qconfig_spec, dtype=self.dtype, ) save_quantized_model( model=quantized_model, logdir=runner.logdir, checkpoint_name=self.mode, out_model=self.out_model, out_dir=self.out_dir, )
[docs] def on_stage_end(self, runner: "IRunner") -> None: """ On stage end action. Args: runner: runner of your experiment """ if self.do_once: quantized_model = quantization.quantize_dynamic( runner.model.cpu(), qconfig_spec=self.qconfig_spec, dtype=self.dtype, ) save_quantized_model( model=quantized_model, logdir=runner.logdir, checkpoint_name=self.mode, out_model=self.out_model, out_dir=self.out_dir, )
__all__ = ["DynamicQuantizationCallback"]