
Source code for catalyst.metrics._map

from typing import Any, Dict, List

import torch

from catalyst.metrics._additive import AdditiveValueMetric
from catalyst.metrics._metric import ICallbackBatchMetric
from catalyst.metrics.functional._average_precision import mean_average_precision

[docs]class MAPMetric(ICallbackBatchMetric): """ Calculates the Mean Average Precision (MAP) for RecSys. The precision metric summarizes the fraction of relevant items out of the whole the recommendation list. Args: topk_args: list of `topk` for map@topk computing compute_on_call: if True, computes and returns metric value during metric call prefix: metric prefix suffix: metric suffix It computes mean value of map and it's approximate std value """ def __init__( self, topk_args: List[int] = None, compute_on_call: bool = True, prefix: str = None, suffix: str = None, ): """Init MAPMetric""" super().__init__(compute_on_call=compute_on_call, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) self.metric_name_mean = f"{self.prefix}map{self.suffix}" self.metric_name_std = f"{self.prefix}map{self.suffix}/std" self.topk_args: List[int] = topk_args or [1] self.additive_metrics: List[AdditiveValueMetric] = [ AdditiveValueMetric() for _ in range(len(self.topk_args)) ] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset all fields""" for metric in self.additive_metrics: metric.reset() def update(self, logits: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor) -> List[float]: """ Update metric value with map for new data and return intermediate metrics values. Args: logits (torch.Tensor): tensor of logits targets (torch.Tensor): tensor of targets Returns: list of map@k values """ values = mean_average_precision(logits, targets, topk=self.topk_args) values = [v.item() for v in values] for value, metric in zip(values, self.additive_metrics): metric.update(value, len(targets)) return values def update_key_value(self, logits: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Update metric value with map for new data and return intermediate metrics values in key-value format. Args: logits (torch.Tensor): tensor of logits targets (torch.Tensor): tensor of targets Returns: dict of map@k values """ values = self.update(logits=logits, targets=targets) output = { f"{self.prefix}map{key:02d}{self.suffix}": value for key, value in zip(self.topk_args, values) } output[self.metric_name_mean] = output[f"{self.prefix}map01{self.suffix}"] return output def compute(self) -> Any: """ Compute map for all data Returns: list of mean values, list of std values """ means, stds = zip(*(metric.compute() for metric in self.additive_metrics)) return means, stds def compute_key_value(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Compute map for all data and return results in key-value format Returns: dict of metrics """ means, stds = self.compute() output_mean = { f"{self.prefix}map{key:02d}{self.suffix}": value for key, value in zip(self.topk_args, means) } output_std = { f"{self.prefix}map{key:02d}{self.suffix}/std": value for key, value in zip(self.topk_args, stds) } output_mean[self.metric_name_mean] = output_mean[f"{self.prefix}map01{self.suffix}"] output_std[self.metric_name_std] = output_std[f"{self.prefix}map01{self.suffix}/std"] return {**output_mean, **output_std}
__all__ = ["MAPMetric"]