
Source code for catalyst.core.engine

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn

from catalyst.typing import Criterion, Device, Model, Optimizer, Scheduler

def nullcontext(enter_result: Any = None):
    """Context handler."""
    yield enter_result

[docs]class IEngine(ABC): """ An abstraction that syncs experiment run with different hardware-specific configurations. - cpu - single-gpu - multi-gpu - amp (nvidia, torch) - ddp (torch, etc) Abstraction, please check out implementations for more details: - :py:mod:`catalyst.engines.amp.AMPEngine` - :py:mod:`catalyst.engines.apex.APEXEngine` - :py:mod:`catalyst.engines.torch.DeviceEngine` """ @property @abstractmethod def device(self) -> Device: """Pytorch device.""" pass @property @abstractmethod def rank(self) -> int: """Process rank for distributed training.""" pass @property @abstractmethod def world_size(self) -> int: """Process world size for distributed training.""" pass @property def is_ddp(self) -> bool: """Boolean flag for distributed run.""" return self.rank > -1 @property def is_master_process(self) -> bool: """Checks if a process is master process. Should be implemented only for distributed training (ddp). For non distributed training should always return `True`. Returns: `True` if current process is a master process in other cases return `False`. """ # -1 for non-distributed setup # 0 for distributed setup return self.rank <= 0 @property def is_worker_process(self) -> bool: """Checks if a process is worker process. Should be implemented only for distributed training (ddp). For non distributed training should always return `False`. Returns: `True` if current process is a worker process in other cases return `False`. """ return self.rank > 0
[docs] def setup_process(self, rank: int = -1, world_size: int = 1): """Initialize DDP variables and processes. Args: rank: process rank. Default is `-1`. world_size: number of devices in netwok to expect for train. Default is `1`. """ pass
[docs] def cleanup_process(self): """Clean DDP variables and processes.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def sync_device( self, tensor_or_module: Union[Dict, List, Tuple, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, nn.Module] ) -> Union[Dict, List, Tuple, torch.Tensor, nn.Module]: """Moves ``tensor_or_module`` to Engine's device. Args: tensor_or_module: tensor to mode """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def sync_tensor(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, mode: str) -> torch.Tensor: """Syncs ``tensor`` over ``world_size`` in distributed mode.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def init_components( self, model_fn: Callable = None, criterion_fn: Callable = None, optimizer_fn: Callable = None, scheduler_fn: Callable = None, ): """Inits the runs components.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def deinit_components(self, runner=None): """Deinits the runs components. In distributed mode should destroy process group.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def zero_grad(self, loss: torch.Tensor, model: Model, optimizer: Optimizer) -> None: """Abstraction over ``model.zero_grad()`` step. Should be overloaded in cases when required to set arguments for ``model.zero_grad()`` like `set_to_none=True` or you need to use custom scheme which replaces/improves `.zero_grad()` method. Args: loss: tensor with loss value. model: model module. optimizer: model optimizer. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def backward_loss(self, loss: torch.Tensor, model: Model, optimizer: Optimizer) -> None: """Abstraction over ``loss.backward()`` step. Should be overloaded in cases when required loss scaling. Examples - APEX and AMP. Args: loss: tensor with loss value. model: model module. optimizer: model optimizer. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def optimizer_step(self, loss: torch.Tensor, model: Model, optimizer: Optimizer) -> None: """Abstraction over ``optimizer.step()`` step. Should be overloaded in cases when required gradient scaling. Example - AMP. Args: loss: tensor with loss value. model: model module. optimizer: model optimizer. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def pack_checkpoint( self, model: Model = None, criterion: Criterion = None, optimizer: Optimizer = None, scheduler: Scheduler = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dict: """ Packs ``model``, ``criterion``, ``optimizer``, ``scheduler`` and some extra info ``**kwargs`` to torch-based checkpoint. Args: model: torch model criterion: torch criterion optimizer: torch optimizer scheduler: torch scheduler **kwargs: some extra info to pack """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def unpack_checkpoint( self, checkpoint: Dict, model: Model = None, criterion: Criterion = None, optimizer: Optimizer = None, scheduler: Scheduler = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Load checkpoint from file and unpack the content to a model (if not None), criterion (if not None), optimizer (if not None), scheduler (if not None). Args: checkpoint: checkpoint to load model: model where should be updated state criterion: criterion where should be updated state optimizer: optimizer where should be updated state scheduler: scheduler where should be updated state kwargs: extra arguments """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def save_checkpoint(self, checkpoint: Dict, path: str) -> None: """Saves checkpoint to a file. Args: checkpoint: data to save. path: filepath where checkpoint should be stored. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def load_checkpoint(self, path: str) -> Dict: """Load checkpoint from path. Args: path: checkpoint file to load """ pass
[docs] def autocast(self, *args, **kwargs): """AMP scaling context. Default autocast context does not scale anything. Args: *args: some args **kwargs: some kwargs Returns: context """ return nullcontext()
__all__ = ["IEngine"]