

Catalyst has engines - it’s an abstraction over different hardware like CPU, GPUs or TPU cores. Engine manages all hardware-dependent operations like initializations, loading checkpoints, saving experiment components in DDP setup, casting values in APEX/AMP or loss scaling, etc.

Based on device availability there are 3 groups:

  • DeviceEngine, AMPEngine, APEXEngine -

    run experiments using one device like CPU or GPU

  • DataParallelEngine, DataParallelAMPEngine, DataParallelApexEngine -

    run experiments using multiple GPUs using one process

  • DistributedDataParallelEngine, DistributedDataParallelAMPEngine, DistributedDataParallelApexEngine -

    run experiments using multiple GPUs using multiple processes

Based on hardware features there are also 3 groups:

  • DeviceEngine, DataParallelEngine, DistributedDataParallelEngine -

    pure PyTorch without anything else (fp32 training)

  • AMPEngine, DataParallelAMPEngine, DistributedDataParallelAMPEngine -

    training with PyTorch automatic mixed precision package (some operations in fp32 and other in fp16), more information you can find from PyTorch docs.

  • APEXEngine, DataParallelApexEngine, DistributedDataParallelApexEngine -

    training with Nvidia’s automatic mixed precision package more information you can find from Nvidia APEX docs.

The easiest way to implement a new Engine is to inherit from an already existed one.

For example, if you want to add functionality to a device engine you can inherit from DeviceEngine and overload some methods.

This approach was used during the dev process and you can see that DataParallelEngine inherits from DeviceEngine and extends it.

The same for DistributedDataParallelApexEngine and DistributedDataParallelAMPEngine - they both inherited from DistributedDataParallelEngine.

If you want to do it in a hard way then need to inherit from IEngine and implement the required methods:

  • rank - it’s a DDP property and should return a rank number of a process.

    If engine is used outside DDP then should always return -1.

    def rank(self):
        return -1
  • world_size - it’s a DDP property and should return a total number of processes inside a process group.

    If engine is used outside DDP then should always return 1.

    def world_size(self):
        return 1
  • is_master_process - it’s a DDP property and it’s a simple indicator for a master process.

    If engine is used outside DDP then should always return True.

    def is_master_process(self):
        return True
  • is_worker_process - it’s a DDP property and it’s a simple indicator that the current process isn’t a master process.

    If engine is used outside DDP then should always return False.

    def is_worker_process(self):
        return False
  • sync_device - function to move PyTorch tensor or module to a device specified in engine.

    In general, it wraps function.

    def sync_device(self, tensor_or_module):
  • sync_tensor - it’s a DDP function to synchronize tensor across processes and perform sum/mean/all_gather operation.

    If engine is used outside DDP then should always return the same tensor.

    def sync_tensor(self, tensor, mode=None):
        return tensor
  • init_components - function to initialize model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler on a device specified in engine.

    def init_components(
        model = model_fn()
        model = self.sync_device(model)
        criterion = criterion_fn()
        criterion = self.sync_device(criterion)
        optimizer = optimizer_fn()
        optimizer = self.sync_device(optimizer)
        scheduler = scheduler_fn()
        scheduler = self.sync_device(scheduler)
        return model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler
  • deinit_components - it’s a DDP function to destroy process components.

    If engine is used outside DDP then should always do nothing.

    # ddp example
    def deinit_components(self):
  • zero_grad - abstraction over``model.zero_grad()``.

    def zero_grad(self, loss, model, optimizer):
  • backward_loss - abstraction over loss.backward().

    def backward_loss(self, loss, model, optimizer):
  • optimizer_step - abstraction over optimizer.step().

    def optimizer_step(self, loss, model, optimizer):
  • pack_checkpoint - function to collect components state dicts for later save to checkpoint file.

    def pack_checkpoint(
        content = {}
        if model is not None:
            content["model_state_dict"] = model.state_dict()
        if criterion is not None:
            content["criterion_state_dict"] = criterion.state_dict()
        if optimizer is not None:
            content["optimizer_state_dict"] = optimizer.state_dict()
        if scheduler is not None:
            content["scheduler_state_dict"] = scheduler.state_dict()
        return content
  • unpack_checkpoint - function to setup components from checkpoint state dict.

    def unpack_checkpoint(
        state_dicts = ("model", "criterion", "optimizer", "scheduler"):
        parts = (model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler)
        for state_dict, part in zip(state_dicts, parts):
            if f"{state_dict}_state_dict" in checkpoint and part is not None:
  • save_checkpoint - function to save checkpoint dict to file.

    It is an abstraction over

    def save_checkpoint(self, checkpoint, path):, path)
  • load_checkpoint - function to load checkpoint dict from file.

    It is an abstraction over torch.load

    def load_checkpoint(self, path):
        checkpoint = torch.load(path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
        return checkpoint
  • autocast - it’s a AMP function for automatic casting values to a FP16 during the forward propagation.

    It wraps forward of a model like this:

    with engine.autocast():
        output= model(batch)

    If engine is used outside AMP then always should yield nothing.

    def autocast(self, *args, **kwargs):
        import contextlib
        def nullcontext(to_yield):
            yield to_yield
        return nullcontext()