
Source code for catalyst.metrics._cmc_score

from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional

import torch

from catalyst.metrics._accumulative import AccumulativeMetric
from catalyst.metrics.functional._cmc_score import cmc_score, masked_cmc_score
from catalyst.utils.distributed import get_rank

[docs]class CMCMetric(AccumulativeMetric): """Cumulative Matching Characteristics Args: embeddings_key: key of embedding tensor in batch labels_key: key of label tensor in batch is_query_key: key of query flag tensor in batch topk_args: list of k, specifies which cmc@k should be calculated compute_on_call: if True, allows compute metric's value on call prefix: metric prefix suffix: metric suffix Examples: .. code-block:: python import torch from catalyst import metrics batch = { "embeddings": torch.tensor( [ [1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 0], ] ).float(), "labels": torch.tensor([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]), "is_query": torch.tensor([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]).bool(), } topk = (1, 3) metric = metrics.CMCMetric( embeddings_key="embeddings", labels_key="labels", is_query_key="is_query", topk_args=topk, ) metric.reset(num_batches=1, num_samples=len(batch["embeddings"])) metric.update(**batch) metric.compute() # [0.75, 1.0] # CMC@01, CMC@03 metric.compute_key_value() # {'cmc01': 0.75, 'cmc03': 1.0} .. code-block:: python import os from torch.optim import Adam from import DataLoader from catalyst import data, dl from catalyst.contrib import datasets, models, nn from import Compose, Normalize, ToTensor # 1. train and valid loaders transforms = Compose([ToTensor(), Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,))]) train_dataset = datasets.MnistMLDataset( root=os.getcwd(), download=True, transform=transforms ) sampler = data.BatchBalanceClassSampler( labels=train_dataset.get_labels(), num_classes=5, num_samples=10 ) train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset, batch_sampler=sampler) valid_dataset = datasets.MnistQGDataset( root=os.getcwd(), transform=transforms, gallery_fraq=0.2 ) valid_loader = DataLoader(dataset=valid_dataset, batch_size=1024) # 2. model and optimizer model = models.MnistSimpleNet(out_features=16) optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001) # 3. criterion with triplets sampling sampler_inbatch = data.HardTripletsSampler(norm_required=False) criterion = nn.TripletMarginLossWithSampler(margin=0.5, sampler_inbatch=sampler_inbatch) # 4. training with catalyst Runner class CustomRunner(dl.SupervisedRunner): def handle_batch(self, batch) -> None: if self.is_train_loader: images, targets = batch["features"].float(), batch["targets"].long() features = self.model(images) self.batch = {"embeddings": features, "targets": targets,} else: images, targets, is_query = ( batch["features"].float(), batch["targets"].long(), batch["is_query"].bool() ) features = self.model(images) self.batch = { "embeddings": features, "targets": targets, "is_query": is_query } callbacks = [ dl.ControlFlowCallback( dl.CriterionCallback( input_key="embeddings", target_key="targets", metric_key="loss" ), loaders="train", ), dl.ControlFlowCallback( dl.CMCScoreCallback( embeddings_key="embeddings", labels_key="targets", is_query_key="is_query", topk_args=[1], ), loaders="valid", ), dl.PeriodicLoaderCallback( valid_loader_key="valid", valid_metric_key="cmc01", minimize=False, valid=2 ), ] runner = CustomRunner(input_key="features", output_key="embeddings") runner.train( model=model, criterion=criterion, optimizer=optimizer, callbacks=callbacks, loaders={"train": train_loader, "valid": valid_loader}, verbose=False, logdir="./logs", valid_loader="valid", valid_metric="cmc01", minimize_valid_metric=False, num_epochs=10, ) .. note:: Please follow the `minimal examples`_ sections for more use cases. .. _`minimal examples`: """ def __init__( self, embeddings_key: str, labels_key: str, is_query_key: str, topk_args: Iterable[int] = None, compute_on_call: bool = True, prefix: Optional[str] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Init CMCMetric""" super().__init__( compute_on_call=compute_on_call, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, keys=[embeddings_key, labels_key, is_query_key], ) self.embeddings_key = embeddings_key self.labels_key = labels_key self.is_query_key = is_query_key self.topk_args = topk_args or (1,) self.metric_name = f"{self.prefix}cmc{self.suffix}" def reset(self, num_batches: int, num_samples: int) -> None: """ Reset metrics fields Args: num_batches: expected number of batches num_samples: expected number of samples to accumulate """ super().reset(num_batches, num_samples) assert get_rank() < 0, "No DDP support implemented yet" def compute(self) -> List[float]: """ Compute cmc@k metrics with all the accumulated data for all k. Returns: list of metrics values """ query_mask = ([self.is_query_key] == 1).to(torch.bool) embeddings =[self.embeddings_key].float() labels =[self.labels_key] query_embeddings = embeddings[query_mask] query_labels = labels[query_mask] gallery_embeddings = embeddings[~query_mask] gallery_labels = labels[~query_mask] conformity_matrix = (gallery_labels == query_labels.reshape(-1, 1)).to(torch.bool) metrics = [] for k in self.topk_args: value = cmc_score( query_embeddings=query_embeddings, gallery_embeddings=gallery_embeddings, conformity_matrix=conformity_matrix, topk=k, ) metrics.append(value) return metrics def compute_key_value(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Compute cmc@k metrics with all the accumulated data for all k. Returns: metrics values in key-value format """ values = self.compute() kv_metrics = { f"{self.metric_name}{k:02d}": value for k, value in zip(self.topk_args, values) } return kv_metrics
[docs]class ReidCMCMetric(AccumulativeMetric): """Cumulative Matching Characteristics for Reid case Args: embeddings_key: key of embedding tensor in batch pids_key: key of pids tensor in batch cids_key: key of cids tensor in batch is_query_key: key of query flag tensor in batch topk_args: list of k, specifies which cmc@k should be calculated compute_on_call: if True, allows compute metric's value on call prefix: metric prefix suffix: metric suffix Examples: .. code-block:: python import torch from catalyst.metrics import ReidCMCMetric batch = { "embeddings": torch.tensor( [ [1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 0], ] ).float(), "pids": torch.Tensor([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]).long(), "cids": torch.Tensor([0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 3]).long(), "is_query": torch.Tensor([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]).bool(), } topk = (1, 3) metric = ReidCMCMetric( embeddings_key="embeddings", pids_key="pids", cids_key="cids", is_query_key="is_query", topk_args=topk, ) metric.reset(num_batches=1, num_samples=len(batch["embeddings"])) metric.update(**batch) metric.compute() # [0.75, 1.0] # CMC@01, CMC@03 metric.compute_key_value() # {'cmc01': 0.75, 'cmc03': 1.0} """ def __init__( self, embeddings_key: str, pids_key: str, cids_key: str, is_query_key: str, topk_args: Iterable[int] = None, compute_on_call: bool = True, prefix: Optional[str] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Init CMCMetric""" super().__init__( compute_on_call=compute_on_call, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, keys=[embeddings_key, pids_key, cids_key, is_query_key], ) self.embeddings_key = embeddings_key self.pids_key = pids_key self.cids_key = cids_key self.is_query_key = is_query_key self.topk_args = topk_args or (1,) self.metric_name = f"{self.prefix}cmc{self.suffix}" def reset(self, num_batches: int, num_samples: int) -> None: """ Reset metrics fields Args: num_batches: expected number of batches num_samples: expected number of samples to accumulate """ super().reset(num_batches, num_samples) assert get_rank() < 0, "No DDP support implemented yet" def compute(self) -> List[float]: """ Compute cmc@k metrics with all the accumulated data for all k. Returns: list of metrics values Raises: ValueError: if there are samples in query that have no relevant samples in gallery """ query_mask = ([self.is_query_key] == 1).to(torch.bool) embeddings =[self.embeddings_key].float() pids =[self.pids_key] cids =[self.cids_key] query_embeddings = embeddings[query_mask] query_pids = pids[query_mask] query_cids = cids[query_mask] gallery_embeddings = embeddings[~query_mask] gallery_pids = pids[~query_mask] gallery_cids = cids[~query_mask] pid_conformity_matrix = (gallery_pids == query_pids.reshape(-1, 1)).bool() cid_conformity_matrix = (gallery_cids == query_cids.reshape(-1, 1)).bool() # Now we are going to generate a mask that should show if # a sample from gallery can be used during model scoring on the query # sample. # There is only one case when the label shouldn't be used for: # if query sample is a photo of the person pid_i taken from camera # cam_j and the gallery sample is a photo of the same person pid_i # from the same camera cam_j. All other cases are available. available_samples = ~(pid_conformity_matrix * cid_conformity_matrix).bool() if (available_samples.max(dim=1).values == 0).any(): raise ValueError("There is a sample in query that has no relevant samples in gallery.") metrics = [] for k in self.topk_args: value = masked_cmc_score( query_embeddings=query_embeddings, gallery_embeddings=gallery_embeddings, conformity_matrix=pid_conformity_matrix, available_samples=available_samples, topk=k, ) metrics.append(value) return metrics def compute_key_value(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Compute cmc@k metrics with all the accumulated data for all k. Returns: metrics values in key-value format """ values = self.compute() kv_metrics = { f"{self.metric_name}{k:02d}": value for k, value in zip(self.topk_args, values) } return kv_metrics
__all__ = ["CMCMetric", "ReidCMCMetric"]