
Source code for catalyst.contrib.nn.criterion.contrastive

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F

[docs]class ContrastiveEmbeddingLoss(nn.Module): """The Contrastive embedding loss. It has been proposed in `Dimensionality Reduction by Learning an Invariant Mapping`_. .. _Dimensionality Reduction by Learning an Invariant Mapping: """
[docs] def __init__(self, margin=1.0, reduction="mean"): """ Args: margin: margin parameter reduction: criterion reduction type """ super().__init__() self.margin = margin self.reduction = reduction or "none"
def forward( self, embeddings_left: torch.Tensor, embeddings_right: torch.Tensor, distance_true ) -> torch.Tensor: """Forward propagation method for the contrastive loss. Args: embeddings_left: left objects embeddings embeddings_right: right objects embeddings distance_true: true distances Returns: torch.Tensor: loss """ # euclidian distance diff = embeddings_left - embeddings_right distance_pred = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.pow(diff, 2), 1)) bs = len(distance_true) margin_distance = self.margin - distance_pred margin_distance = torch.clamp(margin_distance, min=0.0) loss = (1 - distance_true) * torch.pow(distance_pred, 2) + distance_true * torch.pow( margin_distance, 2 ) if self.reduction == "mean": loss = torch.sum(loss) / 2.0 / bs elif self.reduction == "sum": loss = torch.sum(loss) return loss
[docs]class ContrastiveDistanceLoss(nn.Module): """The Contrastive distance loss. @TODO: Docs. Contribution is welcome. """
[docs] def __init__(self, margin=1.0, reduction="mean"): """ Args: margin: margin parameter reduction: criterion reduction type """ super().__init__() self.margin = margin self.reduction = reduction or "none"
def forward(self, distance_pred, distance_true) -> torch.Tensor: """Forward propagation method for the contrastive loss. Args: distance_pred: predicted distances distance_true: true distances Returns: torch.Tensor: loss """ bs = len(distance_true) margin_distance = self.margin - distance_pred margin_distance = torch.clamp(margin_distance, min=0.0) loss = (1 - distance_true) * torch.pow(distance_pred, 2) + distance_true * torch.pow( margin_distance, 2 ) if self.reduction == "mean": loss = torch.sum(loss) / 2.0 / bs elif self.reduction == "sum": loss = torch.sum(loss) return loss
[docs]class ContrastivePairwiseEmbeddingLoss(nn.Module): """ContrastivePairwiseEmbeddingLoss – proof of concept criterion. Still work in progress. @TODO: Docs. Contribution is welcome. """
[docs] def __init__(self, margin=1.0, reduction="mean"): """ Args: margin: margin parameter reduction: criterion reduction type """ super().__init__() self.margin = margin self.reduction = reduction or "none"
def forward(self, embeddings_pred, embeddings_true) -> torch.Tensor: """Forward propagation method for the contrastive loss. Work in progress. Args: embeddings_pred: predicted embeddings embeddings_true: true embeddings Returns: torch.Tensor: loss """ device = embeddings_pred.device # s - state space # d - embeddings space # a - action space pairwise_similarity = torch.einsum("se,ae->sa", embeddings_pred, embeddings_true) bs = embeddings_pred.shape[0] batch_idx = torch.arange(bs, device=device) loss = F.cross_entropy(pairwise_similarity, batch_idx, reduction=self.reduction) return loss
[docs]class BarlowTwinsLoss(nn.Module): """The Contrastive embedding loss. It has been proposed in `Barlow Twins: Self-Supervised Learning via Redundancy Reduction`_. Example: .. code-block:: python import torch from torch.nn import functional as F from catalyst.contrib.nn import BarlowTwinsLoss embeddings_left = F.normalize(torch.rand(256, 64, requires_grad=True)) embeddings_right = F.normalize(torch.rand(256, 64, requires_grad=True)) criterion = BarlowTwinsLoss(offdiag_lambda = 1) criterion(embeddings_left, embeddings_right) .. _`Barlow Twins: Self-Supervised Learning via Redundancy Reduction`: """
[docs] def __init__(self, offdiag_lambda=1.0, eps=1e-12): """ Args: offdiag_lambda: trade-off parameter eps: shift for the varience (var + eps) """ super().__init__() self.offdiag_lambda = offdiag_lambda self.eps = eps
def forward( self, embeddings_left: torch.Tensor, embeddings_right: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """Forward propagation method for the contrastive loss. Args: embeddings_left: left objects embeddings [batch_size, features_dim] embeddings_right: right objects embeddings [batch_size, features_dim] Raises: ValueError: if the batch size is 1 ValueError: if embeddings_left and embeddings_right shapes are different ValueError: if embeddings shapes are not in a form (batch_size, features_dim) Returns: torch.Tensor: loss """ shape_left, shape_right = embeddings_left.shape, embeddings_right.shape if len(shape_left) != 2: raise ValueError( f"Left shape should be (batch_size, feature_dim), but got - {shape_left}!" ) elif len(shape_right) != 2: raise ValueError( f"Right shape should be (batch_size, feature_dim), but got - {shape_right}!" ) if shape_left[0] == 1: raise ValueError(f"Batch size should be >= 2, but got - {shape_left[0]}!") if shape_left != shape_right: raise ValueError(f"Shapes should be equall, but got - {shape_left} and {shape_right}!") # normalization z_left = (embeddings_left - embeddings_left.mean(dim=0)) / ( embeddings_left.var(dim=0) + self.eps ).pow(1 / 2) z_right = (embeddings_right - embeddings_right.mean(dim=0)) / ( embeddings_right.var(dim=0) + self.eps ).pow(1 / 2) # cross-correlation matrix batch_size = z_left.shape[0] cross_correlation = torch.matmul(z_left.T, z_right) / batch_size # selection of diagonal elements and off diagonal elements on_diag = torch.diagonal(cross_correlation) off_diag = cross_correlation.clone().fill_diagonal_(0) # the loss described in the original Barlow Twin's paper # encouraging off_diag to be zero and on_diag to be one on_diag_loss = on_diag.add_(-1).pow_(2).sum() off_diag_loss = off_diag.pow_(2).sum() loss = on_diag_loss + self.offdiag_lambda * off_diag_loss return loss
__all__ = [ "ContrastiveEmbeddingLoss", "ContrastiveDistanceLoss", "ContrastivePairwiseEmbeddingLoss", "BarlowTwinsLoss", ]