
Source code for catalyst.callbacks.profiler

from typing import Any, Dict
import os
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

import torch

from catalyst.core.callback import Callback, CallbackNode, CallbackOrder
from catalyst.core.runner import IRunner

[docs]class ProfilerCallback(Callback): """Profile specified epoch or some fixed number of batches. Args: loader_key: name of the loader to use for profiling. If ``None`` then will be used first loader from experiment. epoch: epoch number to use for profiling. num_batches: number of batches to use in epoch to do a profiling. If ``None`` then will be used all batches in loader. profiler_kwargs: arguments to pass to a profiler. To get more info about possible arguments please use PyTorch `profiler docs`_. tensorboard_path: path where should be stored logs for tensorboard. If ``None`` then will be ignored. export_chrome_trace_path: path to export chrome trace. If ``None`` then will be ignored exporting chrome trace to a file. export_stacks_kwargs: arguments to pass to a ``profiler.export_stacks`` method. If ``None`` then triggering ``profiler.export_stacks`` will be avoided. Example of using **FlameGraph** tool: .. code-block:: bash git clone cd FlameGraph ./ –title “CPU time” –countname “us.” profiler.stacks > perf_viz.svg .. note:: Export to tensorboard and chrome trace mutually exclusive and specifying both of them will raise an error. Example: .. code-block:: python import os import torch from torch import nn from import DataLoader from catalyst import dl from import ToTensor from catalyst.contrib.datasets import MNIST loaders = { "train": DataLoader( MNIST(os.getcwd(), train=False), batch_size=32, ), "valid": DataLoader( MNIST(os.getcwd(), train=False), batch_size=32, ), } model = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(784, 512), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(512, 10)) criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-2) runner = dl.SupervisedRunner() runner.train( model=model, callbacks=[dl.ProfilerCallback( loader_key="train", epoch=3, profiler_kwargs=dict( activities=[ torch.profiler.ProfilerActivity.CPU, torch.profiler.ProfilerActivity.CUDA, ], on_trace_ready=torch.profiler.tensorboard_trace_handler( "./logs/tb_profile" ), with_stack=True, with_flops=True, ) )], loaders=loaders, criterion=criterion, optimizer=optimizer, num_epochs=5, logdir="./logs", ) .. _profiler docs: """ def __init__( self, loader_key: str = None, epoch: int = 1, num_batches: int = None, profiler_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, tensorboard_path: str = None, export_chrome_trace_path: str = None, export_stacks_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, ): super().__init__(order=CallbackOrder.Internal, node=CallbackNode.Master) self.loader_key = loader_key self.epoch = epoch self.num_batches = num_batches self.batch_cnt = 0 self.profiler_kwargs = {} if profiler_kwargs is None else profiler_kwargs if tensorboard_path is not None and "on_trace_ready" not in profiler_kwargs: self.profiler_kwargs["on_trace_ready"] = torch.profiler.tensorboard_trace_handler( tensorboard_path ) self.export_chrome_trace_path = export_chrome_trace_path self.export_stacks_kwargs = export_stacks_kwargs self.profiler = None self.stats = None def _should_use_profiler(self, loader_key: str, epoch: int): if self.loader_key == loader_key and self.epoch == epoch: if self.num_batches is not None: return self.batch_cnt < self.num_batches return True return False def _enter_profiler(self, runner: IRunner) -> None: loader_key = runner.loader_key epoch = runner.stage_epoch_step if not self._should_use_profiler(loader_key, epoch): return if self.profiler is None: self.profiler = torch.profiler.profile(**self.profiler_kwargs) self.profiler.__enter__() def _exit_profiler(self, runner: IRunner) -> None: loader_key = runner.loader_key epoch = runner.stage_epoch_step if not self._should_use_profiler(loader_key, epoch) or self.profiler is None: return if self.stats is None: self.profiler.__exit__(None, None, None) if "on_trace_ready" not in self.profiler_kwargs and self.export_chrome_trace_path: self.profiler.export_chrome_trace(self.export_chrome_trace_path) if self.export_stacks_kwargs is not None: self.profiler.export_stacks(**self.export_stacks_kwargs) self.stats = self.profiler.key_averages() table_txt = self.stats.table(sort_by="cpu_time_total") # , row_limit=100) with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: artifact_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "profiler_table.txt") with open(artifact_path, "w") as f: f.write(table_txt) runner.log_artifact( tag="profiler", artifact="profiler.txt", path_to_artifact=artifact_path ) print(table_txt) def on_loader_start(self, runner: IRunner) -> None: """ On loader start action Args: runner: current runner """ if self.loader_key is None: self.loader_key = runner.loader_key # use first loader for profile self._enter_profiler(runner) def on_loader_end(self, runner: IRunner) -> None: """ On loader end action Args: runner: current runner """ self._exit_profiler(runner) def on_batch_start(self, runner: IRunner) -> None: """ On batch start action Args: runner: current runner """ self._enter_profiler(runner) def on_batch_end(self, runner: IRunner) -> None: """ On batch end action Args: runner: current runner """ if self.profiler is None: return if self.num_batches is not None and self.batch_cnt < self.num_batches: # do a profiling step after each batch self.profiler.step() self.batch_cnt += 1 self._exit_profiler(runner)