
Source code for catalyst.contrib.losses.supervised_contrastive

from math import e

import torch
from torch import nn

[docs]class SupervisedContrastiveLoss(nn.Module): """A Contrastive embedding loss that uses targets. It has been proposed in `Supervised Contrastive Learning`_. .. _`Supervised Contrastive Learning`: """
[docs] def __init__(self, tau: float, reduction: str = "mean", pos_aggregation="in") -> None: """ Args: tau: temperature reduction (string, optional): specifies the reduction to apply to the output: ``"none"`` | ``"mean"`` | ``"sum"``. ``"none"``: no reduction will be applied, ``"mean"``: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of positive pairs in the output, ``"sum"``: the output will be summed. pos_aggregation (string, optional): specifies the place of positive pairs aggregation: ``"in"`` | ``"out"``. ``"in"``: maximization of log(average positive exponentiate similarity) ``"out"``: maximization of average positive similarity Raises: ValueError: if reduction is not mean, sum or none ValueError: if positive aggregation is not in or out """ super().__init__() self.tau = tau self.self_similarity = 1 / self.tau self.exp_self_similarity = e ** (1 / self.tau) self.reduction = reduction self.pos_aggregation = pos_aggregation if self.reduction not in ["none", "mean", "sum"]: raise ValueError(f"Reduction should be: mean, sum, none. But got - {self.reduction}!") if self.pos_aggregation not in ["in", "out"]: raise ValueError( f"Positive aggregation should be: in or out. But got - {self.pos_aggregation}!" )
def forward(self, features: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: features: [bs; feature_len] targets: [bs] Returns: computed loss """ # if ||x|| = ||y|| = 1 then||x-y||^2 = 2 - 2<x,y> features = torch.nn.functional.normalize(features) cosine_matrix = (2 - torch.cdist(features, features) ** 2) / 2 exp_cosine_matrix = torch.exp(cosine_matrix / self.tau) # positive part of the loss pos_place = targets.repeat(targets.shape[0], 1) == targets.reshape(targets.shape[0], 1) # aggregation of postive pairs number_of_positives = pos_place.sum(dim=1) - 1 assert ( number_of_positives == 0 ).sum().item() == 0, "There must be at least one positive example for each sample!" if self.pos_aggregation == "in": pos_loss = (exp_cosine_matrix * pos_place).sum(dim=1) - self.exp_self_similarity pos_loss = torch.log(pos_loss) - torch.log(number_of_positives.float()) elif self.pos_aggregation == "out": pos_loss = ( (torch.log(exp_cosine_matrix) * pos_place).sum(dim=1) - self.self_similarity ) / number_of_positives # neg part of the loss exp_sim_sum = exp_cosine_matrix.sum(dim=1) - self.exp_self_similarity neg_loss = torch.log(exp_sim_sum) # 2*poss_loss (i,j) and (j,i) loss = -pos_loss + neg_loss if self.reduction == "mean": loss = loss.mean() elif self.reduction == "sum": loss = loss.sum() return loss