
Source code for catalyst.core.callbacks.checkpoint

from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
from pathlib import Path

from catalyst.core import Callback, CallbackNode, CallbackOrder, State, utils

def _pack_state(state: State):
    checkpoint = utils.pack_checkpoint(
    return checkpoint

def _load_checkpoint(*, filename, state: State, load_full: bool = True):
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        raise Exception(f"No checkpoint found at {filename}")

    print(f"=> loading checkpoint {filename}")
    checkpoint = utils.load_checkpoint(filename)

    if not state.stage_name.startswith("infer") and load_full:
        state.stage_name = checkpoint["stage_name"]
        state.epoch = checkpoint["epoch"]
        state.global_epoch = checkpoint["global_epoch"]
        # @TODO: should we also load,
        # checkpoint_data, main_metric, minimize_metric, valid_loader ?
        # epoch_metrics, valid_metrics ?

    if load_full:

            f"loaded state checkpoint {filename} "
            f"(global epoch {checkpoint['global_epoch']}, "
            f"epoch {checkpoint['epoch']}, "
            f"stage {checkpoint['stage_name']})"
            checkpoint, model=state.model,

        print(f"loaded model checkpoint {filename}")

class BaseCheckpointCallback(Callback):
    """Base class for all checkpoint callbacks."""

    def __init__(self, metrics_filename: str = "_metrics.json"):
            metrics_filename (str): filename to save metrics
                in checkpoint folder. Must ends on ``.json`` or ``.yml``
        super().__init__(order=CallbackOrder.External, node=CallbackNode.All)
        self.metrics_filename = metrics_filename
        self.metrics: dict = {}

    def get_checkpoint_suffix(self, checkpoint: dict) -> str:
        return "checkpoint"

    def save_metric(self, logdir: Union[str, Path], metrics: Dict) -> None:
            metrics, f"{logdir}/checkpoints/{self.metrics_filename}"

    def on_exception(self, state: State):
        exception = state.exception
        if not utils.is_exception(exception):

            checkpoint = _pack_state(state)
            suffix = self.get_checkpoint_suffix(checkpoint)
            suffix = f"{suffix}.exception_{exception.__class__.__name__}"
            metrics = self.metrics
            metrics[suffix] = state.valid_metrics
            self.save_metric(state.logdir, metrics)
        except Exception:

[docs]class CheckpointCallback(BaseCheckpointCallback): """ Checkpoint callback to save/restore your model/criterion/optimizer/metrics. """
[docs] def __init__( self, save_n_best: int = 1, resume: str = None, resume_dir: str = None, metrics_filename: str = "_metrics.json", load_on_stage_end: str = None, ): """ Args: save_n_best (int): number of best checkpoint to keep, if ``0`` then store only last state of model and ``load_on_stage_end`` should be one of ``last`` or ``last_full``. resume (str): path to checkpoint to load and initialize runner state resume_dir (str): directory with checkpoints, if specified in combination with ``resume`` than resume checkpoint will be loaded from ``resume_dir`` metrics_filename (str): filename to save metrics in checkpoint folder. Must ends on ``.json`` or ``.yml`` load_on_stage_end (str): name of the model to load at the end of the stage. You can use ``best``, ``best_full`` to load the best model according to validation metrics, or ``last`` ``last_full`` (default behaviour) to use just the last one. If None then no action is required at stage end and will be used last state. """ super().__init__(metrics_filename) assert load_on_stage_end in [ None, "best", "last", "best_full", "last_full", ] assert save_n_best >= 0 if save_n_best == 0: assert load_on_stage_end in (None, "last", "last_full") if resume_dir is not None: assert resume is not None self.save_n_best = save_n_best self.resume = resume self.resume_dir = resume_dir self.load_on_stage_end = load_on_stage_end self.top_best_metrics = [] self.metrics_history = [] self._keys_from_state = ["resume", "resume_dir"]
[docs] def get_checkpoint_suffix(self, checkpoint: dict) -> str: """ Create checkpoint filename suffix based on checkpoint data. Args: checkpoint (dict): checkpoint dict, should contain ``stage_name`` and ``epoch`` keys. """ result = f"{checkpoint['stage_name']}.{checkpoint['epoch']}" return result
[docs] def process_metrics(self, last_valid_metrics: Dict[str, float]) -> Dict: """ Add last validation metrics to list of previous validation metrics and keep ``save_n_best`` metrics. Args: last_valid_metrics (dict): dict with metrics from last validation step. """ top_best_checkpoints = [ (Path(filepath).stem, valid_metric) for (filepath, _, valid_metric) in self.top_best_metrics ] all_epochs_metrics = [ (f"epoch_{order_index}", valid_metric) for (order_index, valid_metric) in enumerate(self.metrics_history) ] metrics = [] if self.save_n_best > 0: best_valid_metrics = top_best_checkpoints[0][1] metrics = ( [("best", best_valid_metrics), ("last", last_valid_metrics)] + top_best_checkpoints + all_epochs_metrics ) else: metrics = [("last", last_valid_metrics)] self.metrics = OrderedDict(metrics) return self.metrics
[docs] def truncate_checkpoints(self, minimize_metric: bool) -> None: """ Keep ``save_n_best`` checkpoints based on main metric. Args: minimize_metric (bool): if ``True`` then keep ``save_n_best`` checkpoints with the lowest/highest values of the main metric. """ self.top_best_metrics = sorted( self.top_best_metrics, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=not minimize_metric, ) if len(self.top_best_metrics) > self.save_n_best: last_item = self.top_best_metrics.pop(-1) last_filepath = Path(last_item[0]) last_filepaths = last_filepath.parent.glob(".pth", "*") ) for filepath in last_filepaths: os.remove(filepath)
def _save_checkpoint( self, logdir: Union[str, Path], suffix: str, checkpoint: Dict, is_best: bool, is_last: bool, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Save checkpoint (simple and full). Args: logdir (str or Path object): directory for storing checkpoints suffix (str): checkpoint suffix checkpoint (dict): dict with checkpoint data is_best (bool): indicator to save best checkpoint, if true then will be saved two additional checkpoints - ``best`` and ``best_full``. is_last (bool): indicator to save the last checkpoint, if true then will be saved two additional checkpoints - ``last`` and ``last_full``. """ full_checkpoint_path = utils.save_checkpoint( logdir=Path(f"{logdir}/checkpoints/"), checkpoint=checkpoint, suffix=f"{suffix}_full", is_best=is_best, is_last=is_last, special_suffix="_full", ) exclude = ["criterion", "optimizer", "scheduler"] checkpoint_path = utils.save_checkpoint( checkpoint={ key: value for key, value in checkpoint.items() if all(z not in key for z in exclude) }, logdir=Path(f"{logdir}/checkpoints/"), suffix=suffix, is_best=is_best, is_last=is_last, ) return (full_checkpoint_path, checkpoint_path)
[docs] def process_checkpoint( self, logdir: Union[str, Path], checkpoint: Dict, is_best: bool, main_metric: str = "loss", minimize_metric: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Save checkpoint and metrics. Args: logdir (str or Path object): directory for storing checkpoints checkpoint (dict): dict with checkpoint data is_best (bool): indicator to save best checkpoint, if true then will be saved two additional checkpoints - ``best`` and ``best_full``. main_metric (str): metric to use for selecting the best model minimize_metric (bool): indicator for selecting best metric, if true then best metric will be the metric with the lowest value, otherwise with the greatest value. """ _, filepath = self._save_checkpoint( logdir=logdir, checkpoint=checkpoint, suffix=self.get_checkpoint_suffix(checkpoint), is_best=is_best, is_last=True, ) valid_metrics = checkpoint["valid_metrics"] checkpoint_metric = valid_metrics[main_metric] metrics_record = (filepath, checkpoint_metric, valid_metrics) self.top_best_metrics.append(metrics_record) self.metrics_history.append(metrics_record) self.truncate_checkpoints(minimize_metric=minimize_metric) metrics = self.process_metrics(valid_metrics) self.save_metric(logdir, metrics)
[docs] def on_stage_start(self, state: State) -> None: """ Setup model for stage. NOTE: If CheckpointCallback initialized with ``resume`` (as path to checkpoint file) or ``resume`` (as filename) and ``resume_dir`` (as directory with file) then will be performed loading checkpoint. Args: state (State): training state """ for key in self._keys_from_state: value = getattr(state, key, None) if value is not None: setattr(self, key, value) if self.resume_dir is not None: self.resume = str(self.resume_dir) + "/" + str(self.resume) if self.resume is not None: _load_checkpoint(filename=self.resume, state=state) self.resume = None
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, state: State) -> None: """ Collect and save checkpoint after epoch. Args: state (State): training state """ if state.stage_name.startswith("infer") or state.is_distributed_worker: return if self.save_n_best > 0: checkpoint = _pack_state(state) self.process_checkpoint( logdir=state.logdir, checkpoint=checkpoint, is_best=state.is_best_valid, main_metric=state.main_metric, minimize_metric=state.minimize_metric, )
[docs] def on_stage_end(self, state: State) -> None: """ Show information about best checkpoints during the stage and load model specified in ``load_on_stage_end``. Args: state (State): training state """ if state.stage_name.startswith("infer") or state.is_distributed_worker: return log_message = "Top best models:\n" # store latest state if self.save_n_best == 0: checkpoint = _pack_state(state) _, filepath = self._save_checkpoint( logdir=state.logdir, checkpoint=checkpoint, suffix="last", is_best=True, # will duplicate current (last) as best is_last=False, # don't need that because current state is last ) metrics = self.process_metrics(checkpoint["valid_metrics"]) self.save_metric(state.logdir, metrics) main_metric_value = metrics["last"][state.main_metric] log_message += "{filepath}\t{metric:3.4f}".format( filepath=filepath, metric=main_metric_value ) else: log_message += "\n".join( [ "{filepath}\t{metric:3.4f}".format( filepath=filepath, metric=checkpoint_metric ) for filepath, checkpoint_metric, _ in self.top_best_metrics ] ) print(log_message) if ( self.load_on_stage_end in ["best", "best_full"] and self.save_n_best > 0 ): resume = f"{state.logdir}/checkpoints/{self.load_on_stage_end}.pth" print(f"Loading {self.load_on_stage_end} model from {resume}") _load_checkpoint( filename=resume, state=state, load_full=self.load_on_stage_end.endswith("full"), )
[docs]class IterationCheckpointCallback(BaseCheckpointCallback): """Iteration checkpoint callback to save your model/criterion/optimizer."""
[docs] def __init__( self, save_n_last: int = 1, period: int = 100, stage_restart: bool = True, metrics_filename: str = "_metrics_iter.json", load_on_stage_end: str = "best_full", ): """ Args: save_n_last (int): number of last checkpoint to keep period (int): save the checkpoint every `period` stage_restart (bool): restart counter every stage or not metrics_filename (str): filename to save metrics in checkpoint folder. Must ends on ``.json`` or ``.yml`` load_on_stage_end (str): name of the model to load at the end of the stage. You can use ``best``, ``best_full`` (default) to load the best model according to validation metrics, or ``last`` ``last_full`` to use just the last one. """ super().__init__(metrics_filename) self.save_n_last = save_n_last self.period = period self.stage_restart = stage_restart self._iteration_counter = 0 self.last_checkpoints = [] self.metrics_history = [] self.load_on_stage_end = load_on_stage_end
[docs] def get_checkpoint_suffix(self, checkpoint: dict) -> str: """ Create checkpoint filename suffix based on checkpoint data. Args: checkpoint (dict): checkpoint dict, should contain ``stage_name`` and ``epoch`` keys. """ result = ( f"{checkpoint['stage_name']}." f"epoch.{checkpoint['epoch']}." f"iter.{self._iteration_counter}" ) return result
[docs] def process_metrics(self) -> Dict: """ Update metrics with last ``save_n_last`` checkpoints. """ n_last_checkpoints = [ (Path(filepath).stem, batch_values) for (filepath, batch_values) in self.last_checkpoints ] all_epochs_metrics = [ (f"epoch_{order_index}", valid_metric) for (order_index, valid_metric) in enumerate(self.metrics_history) ] metrics = OrderedDict(n_last_checkpoints + all_epochs_metrics) self.metrics = metrics return self.metrics
[docs] def truncate_checkpoints(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Keep ``save_n_best`` checkpoints based on main metric. """ if len(self.last_checkpoints) > self.save_n_last: item = self.last_checkpoints.pop(0) top_filepath = item[0] os.remove(top_filepath)
[docs] def process_checkpoint( self, logdir: Union[str, Path], checkpoint: Dict, batch_metrics: Dict[str, float], ): """ Save checkpoint and metrics. Args: logdir (str or Path object): directory for storing checkpoints checkpoint (dict): dict with checkpoint data batch_metrics (dict): dict with metrics based on a few batches """ filepath = utils.save_checkpoint( logdir=Path(f"{logdir}/checkpoints/"), checkpoint=checkpoint, suffix=self.get_checkpoint_suffix(checkpoint), is_best=False, is_last=False, ) self.last_checkpoints.append((filepath, batch_metrics)) self.truncate_checkpoints() self.metrics_history.append(batch_metrics) metrics = self.process_metrics() self.save_metric(logdir, metrics) print(f"\nSaved checkpoint at {filepath}")
[docs] def on_stage_start(self, state: State): """ Reset iterations counter. Args: state (State): training state """ if self.stage_restart: self._iteration_counter = 0
[docs] def on_batch_end(self, state: State): """ Save checkpoint based on batches count. Args: state (State): training state """ self._iteration_counter += 1 if self._iteration_counter % self.period == 0: checkpoint = _pack_state(state) self.process_checkpoint( logdir=state.logdir, checkpoint=checkpoint, batch_metrics=state.batch_metrics, )
[docs] def on_stage_end(self, state: State): """ Load model specified in ``load_on_stage_end``. Args: state (State): training state """ if self.load_on_stage_end in ["best", "best_full"]: resume = f"{state.logdir}/checkpoints/{self.load_on_stage_end}.pth" print(f"Loading {self.load_on_stage_end} model from {resume}") _load_checkpoint( filename=resume, state=state, load_full=self.load_on_stage_end.endswith("full"), )
__all__ = ["CheckpointCallback", "IterationCheckpointCallback"]