
Source code for catalyst.core.experiment

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Mapping, Tuple
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict

from torch import nn
from import DataLoader, Dataset

from catalyst.core.callback import Callback
from import Criterion, Model, Optimizer, Scheduler

[docs]class _Experiment(ABC): """ An abstraction that contains information about the experiment – a model, a criterion, an optimizer, a scheduler, and their hyperparameters. It also contains information about the data and transformations used. In general, the Experiment knows **what** you would like to run. .. note:: To learn more about Catalyst Core concepts, please check out - :py:mod:`catalyst.core.experiment._Experiment` - :py:mod:`catalyst.core.runner._Runner` - :py:mod:`catalyst.core.callback.Callback` Abstraction, please check out the implementations: - :py:mod:`catalyst.dl.experiment.base.BaseExperiment` - :py:mod:`catalyst.dl.experiment.config.ConfigExperiment` - :py:mod:`catalyst.dl.experiment.supervised.SupervisedExperiment` """ @property @abstractmethod def initial_seed(self) -> int: """ Experiment's initial seed, used to setup `global seed` at the beginning of each stage. Additionally, Catalyst Runner setups `experiment.initial_seed + runner.global_epoch + 1` as `global seed` each epoch. Used for experiment reproducibility. Example:: >>> experiment.initial_seed 42 """ pass @property @abstractmethod def logdir(self) -> str: """Path to the directory where the experiment logs would be saved. Example:: >>> experiment.logdir ./path/to/my/experiment/logs """ pass @property @abstractmethod def stages(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Experiment's stage names. Example:: >>> experiment.stages ["pretraining", "training", "finetuning"] .. note:: To understand stages concept, please follow Catalyst documentation, for example, :py:mod:`catalyst.core.callback.Callback` """ pass @property @abstractmethod def distributed_params(self) -> Dict: """ Dictionary with the parameters for distributed and half-precision training. Used in :py:mod:`catalyst.utils.distributed.process_components` to setup `Nvidia Apex`_ or `PyTorch distributed`_. .. _`Nvidia Apex`: .. _`PyTorch distributed`: Example:: >>> experiment.distributed_params {"opt_level": "O1", "syncbn": True} # Apex variant """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_stage_params(self, stage: str) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Returns State parameters for a given stage. To learn more about State, please follow :py:mod:`catalyst.core.runner.State` documentation. Example:: >>> experiment.get_stage_params(stage="training") { "logdir": "./logs/training", "num_epochs": 42, "valid_loader": "valid", "main_metric": "loss", "minimize_metric": True, "checkpoint_data": { "comment": "break the cycle - use the Catalyst" } } Args: stage (str): stage name of interest like "pretrain" / "train" / "finetune" / etc Returns: dict: State parameters for a given stage. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_model(self, stage: str) -> Model: """Returns the model for a given stage. Example:: # suppose we have typical MNIST model, like # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(28*28, 128), nn.Linear(128, 10)) >>> experiment.get_model(stage="training") Sequential( (0): Linear(in_features=784, out_features=128, bias=True) (1): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=10, bias=True) ) Args: stage (str): stage name of interest like "pretrain" / "train" / "finetune" / etc Returns: Model: model for a given stage. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_criterion(self, stage: str) -> Criterion: """Returns the criterion for a given stage. Example:: # for typical classification task >>> experiment.get_criterion(stage="training") nn.CrossEntropyLoss() Args: stage (str): stage name of interest like "pretrain" / "train" / "finetune" / etc Returns: Criterion: criterion for a given stage. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_optimizer(self, stage: str, model: Model) -> Optimizer: """Returns the optimizer for a given stage and model. Example:: >>> experiment.get_optimizer(stage="training", model=model) torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters()) Args: stage (str): stage name of interest like "pretrain" / "train" / "finetune" / etc model (Model): model to optimize with stage optimizer Returns: Optimizer: optimizer for a given stage and model. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_scheduler(self, stage: str, optimizer: Optimizer) -> Scheduler: """Returns the scheduler for a given stage and optimizer. Example:: >>> experiment.get_scheduler(stage="training", optimizer=optimizer) torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer) Args: stage (str): stage name of interest like "pretrain" / "train" / "finetune" / etc optimizer (Optimizer): optimizer to schedule with stage scheduler Returns: Scheduler: scheduler for a given stage and optimizer. """ pass
[docs] def get_experiment_components( self, stage: str, model: nn.Module = None, ) -> Tuple[Model, Criterion, Optimizer, Scheduler]: """ Returns the tuple containing criterion, optimizer and scheduler by giving model and stage. Aggregation method, based on, - :py:mod:`catalyst.core.experiment._Experiment.get_model` - :py:mod:`catalyst.core.experiment._Experiment.get_criterion` - :py:mod:`catalyst.core.experiment._Experiment.get_optimizer` - :py:mod:`catalyst.core.experiment._Experiment.get_scheduler` Args: stage (str): stage name of interest, like "pretrain" / "train" / "finetune" / etc model (Model): model to optimize with stage optimizer Returns: tuple: model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler for a given stage and model """ if model is None: model = self.get_model(stage) criterion = self.get_criterion(stage) optimizer = self.get_optimizer(stage, model) scheduler = self.get_scheduler(stage, optimizer) return model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler
[docs] def get_transforms(self, stage: str = None, dataset: str = None): """Returns the data transforms for a given stage and dataset. Args: stage (str): stage name of interest, like "pretrain" / "train" / "finetune" / etc dataset (str): dataset name of interest, like "train" / "valid" / "infer" .. note:: For datasets/loaders nameing please follow :py:mod:`catalyst.core.runner.State` documentation. Returns: Data transformations to use for specified dataset. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_datasets( self, stage: str, epoch: int = None, **kwargs, ) -> "OrderedDict[str, Dataset]": """Returns the datasets for a given stage and epoch. .. note:: For Deep Learning cases you have the same dataset during whole stage. For Reinforcement Learning it common to change the dataset (experiment) every training epoch. Args: stage (str): stage name of interest, like "pretrain" / "train" / "finetune" / etc epoch (int): epoch index **kwargs (dict): additional parameters to use during dataset creation Returns: OrderedDict[str, Dataset]: Ordered dictionary with datasets for current stage and epoch. .. note:: We need ordered dictionary to guarantee the correct dataflow and order of our training datasets. For example, to run through train data before validation one :) Example:: >>> experiment.get_datasets( >>> stage="training", >>> in_csv_train="path/to/train/csv", >>> in_csv_valid="path/to/valid/csv", >>> ) OrderedDict({ "train": CsvDataset(in_csv=in_csv_train, ...), "valid": CsvDataset(in_csv=in_csv_valid, ...), }) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_loaders( self, stage: str, epoch: int = None, ) -> "OrderedDict[str, DataLoader]": """Returns the loaders for a given stage. .. note:: Wrapper for :py:mod:`catalyst.core.experiment._Experiment.get_datasets`. For most of your experiments you need to rewrite `get_datasets` method only. Args: stage (str): stage name of interest, like "pretrain" / "train" / "finetune" / etc epoch (int): epoch index **kwargs (dict): additional parameters to use during dataset creation Returns: OrderedDict[str, DataLoader]: Ordered dictionary with loaders for current stage and epoch. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_callbacks(self, stage: str) -> "OrderedDict[str, Callback]": """Returns callbacks for a given stage. .. note:: To learn more about Catalyst Callbacks mechanism, please follow :py:mod:`catalyst.core.callback.Callback` documentation. .. note:: We need ordered dictionary to guarantee the correct dataflow and order of metrics optimization. For example, to compute loss before optimization, or to compute all the metrics before logging :) Args: stage (str): stage name of interest like "pretrain" / "train" / "finetune" / etc Returns: OrderedDict[str, Callback]: Ordered dictionary with callbacks for current stage. .. note:: To learn more about Catalyst Core concepts, please check out - :py:mod:`catalyst.core.experiment._Experiment` - :py:mod:`catalyst.core.runner._Runner` - :py:mod:`catalyst.core.runner.State` - :py:mod:`catalyst.core.callback.Callback` """ pass
__all__ = ["_Experiment"]