Source code for
from typing import Dict
import random
import albumentations as albu
[docs]class FlareMixin:
"""Calculates flare factor for augmented image."""
[docs] def __init__(
input_key: str = "image",
output_key: str = "flare_factor",
sunflare_params: Dict = None,
input_key: input key to use from annotation dict
output_key: output key to use to store the result
sunflare_params: params to init
self.input_key = input_key
self.output_key = output_key
self.sunflare_params = sunflare_params or {}
self.transform = albu.RandomSunFlare(**self.sunflare_params)
def __call__(self, dictionary):
"""@TODO: Docs. Contribution is welcome."""
image = dictionary[self.input_key]
sunflare_factor = 0
if random.random() < self.transform.p:
params = self.transform.get_params()
image = self.transform.apply(image=image, **params)
sunflare_factor = 1
dictionary[self.input_key] = image
dictionary[self.output_key] = sunflare_factor
return dictionary
__all__ = ["FlareMixin"]