Source code for catalyst.utils.scripts
from typing import Callable, Dict, Union
from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import warnings
import torch
import torch.distributed
from catalyst.registry import EXPERIMENTS, RUNNERS
from catalyst.utils.distributed import (
from catalyst.utils.misc import get_utcnow_time
[docs]def import_module(expdir: Union[str, pathlib.Path]):
Imports python module by path.
expdir: path to python module.
Imported module.
if not isinstance(expdir, pathlib.Path):
expdir = pathlib.Path(expdir)
sys.path.insert(0, str(expdir.absolute()))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(str(expdir.absolute())))
s = spec_from_file_location(,
str(expdir.absolute() / ""),
m = module_from_spec(s)
sys.modules[] = m
return m
[docs]def prepare_config_api_components(expdir: pathlib.Path, config: Dict):
Imports and create core Config API components - Experiment, Runner
and Config from ``expdir`` - experiment directory
and ``config`` - experiment config.
expdir: experiment directory path
config: dictionary with experiment Config
Experiment, Runner, Config for Config API usage.
if not isinstance(expdir, pathlib.Path):
expdir = pathlib.Path(expdir)
m = import_module(expdir)
experiment_fn = getattr(m, "Experiment", None)
runner_fn = getattr(m, "Runner", None)
experiment_params = config.get("experiment_params", {})
experiment_from_config = experiment_params.pop("experiment", None)
assert any(
x is None for x in (experiment_fn, experiment_from_config)
), "Experiment is set both in code and config."
if experiment_fn is None and experiment_from_config is not None:
experiment_fn = EXPERIMENTS.get(experiment_from_config)
runner_params = config.get("runner_params", {})
runner_from_config = runner_params.pop("runner", None)
assert any(
x is None for x in (runner_fn, runner_from_config)
), "Runner is set both in code and config."
if runner_fn is None and runner_from_config is not None:
runner_fn = RUNNERS.get(runner_from_config)
experiment = experiment_fn(config)
runner = runner_fn(**runner_params)
return experiment, runner, config
def _tricky_dir_copy(dir_from: str, dir_to: str) -> None:
os.makedirs(dir_to, exist_ok=True)
shutil.copytree(dir_from, dir_to)
[docs]def dump_code(
expdir: Union[str, pathlib.Path], logdir: Union[str, pathlib.Path]
) -> None:
Dumps Catalyst code for reproducibility.
expdir (Union[str, pathlib.Path]): experiment dir path
logdir (Union[str, pathlib.Path]): logging dir path
expdir = expdir[:-1] if expdir.endswith("/") else expdir
new_src_dir = "code"
# @TODO: hardcoded
old_pro_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../"
new_pro_dir = os.path.join(logdir, new_src_dir, "catalyst")
_tricky_dir_copy(old_pro_dir, new_pro_dir)
old_expdir = os.path.abspath(expdir)
new_expdir = os.path.basename(old_expdir)
new_expdir = os.path.join(logdir, new_src_dir, new_expdir)
_tricky_dir_copy(old_expdir, new_expdir)
[docs]def dump_python_files(src: pathlib.Path, dst: pathlib.Path) -> None:
Dumps python code (``*.py`` and ``*.ipynb``) files.
src: source code path
dst: destination code path
py_files = list(src.glob("*.py"))
ipynb_files = list(src.glob("*.ipynb"))
py_files += ipynb_files
py_files = list(set(py_files))
for py_file in py_files:
shutil.copy2(f"{str(py_file.absolute())}", f"{dst}/{}")
[docs]def dump_experiment_code(src: pathlib.Path, dst: pathlib.Path) -> None:
Dumps your experiment code for Config API use cases.
src: source code path
dst: destination code path
utcnow = get_utcnow_time()
dst = dst.joinpath("code")
dst = dst.joinpath(f"code-{utcnow}") if dst.exists() else dst
os.makedirs(dst, exist_ok=True)
dump_python_files(src, dst)
[docs]def distributed_cmd_run(
worker_fn: Callable, distributed: bool = True, *args, **kwargs
) -> None:
Distributed run
worker_fn: worker fn to run in distributed mode
distributed: distributed flag
args: additional parameters for worker_fn
kwargs: additional key-value parameters for worker_fn
distributed_params = get_distributed_params()
local_rank = distributed_params["local_rank"]
world_size = distributed_params["world_size"]
if distributed and torch.distributed.is_initialized():
"Looks like you are trying to call distributed setup twice, "
"switching to normal run for correct distributed training."
if (
not distributed
or torch.distributed.is_initialized()
or world_size <= 1
worker_fn(*args, **kwargs)
elif local_rank is not None:
backend="nccl", init_method="env://"
worker_fn(*args, **kwargs)
workers = []
for local_rank in range(torch.cuda.device_count()):
rank = distributed_params["start_rank"] + local_rank
env = get_distributed_env(local_rank, rank, world_size)
cmd = [sys.executable] + sys.argv.copy()
workers.append(subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env))
for worker in workers:
for worker in workers:
__all__ = [