
Source code for catalyst.utils.torch

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
import os

import numpy as np

import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.backends
from torch.backends import cudnn

from catalyst.settings import SETTINGS
from catalyst.typing import (
from catalyst.utils.distributed import get_nn_from_ddp_module

if SETTINGS.xla_required:
    import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm

    from catalyst.core.engine import Engine

[docs]def get_optimizer_momentum(optimizer: TorchOptimizer) -> float: """Get momentum of current optimizer. Args: optimizer: PyTorch optimizer Returns: float: momentum at first param group """ betas = optimizer.param_groups[0].get("betas", None) momentum = optimizer.param_groups[0].get("momentum", None) return betas[0] if betas is not None else momentum
[docs]def get_optimizer_momentum_list(optimizer: TorchOptimizer) -> List[Union[float, None]]: """Get list of optimizer momentums (for each param group) Args: optimizer: PyTorch optimizer Returns: momentum_list (List[Union[float, None]]): momentum for each param group """ result = [] for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: betas = param_group.get("betas", None) momentum = param_group.get("momentum", None) result.append(betas[0] if betas is not None else momentum) return result
[docs]def set_optimizer_momentum(optimizer: TorchOptimizer, value: float, index: int = 0): """Set momentum of ``index`` 'th param group of optimizer to ``value``. Args: optimizer: PyTorch optimizer value: new value of momentum index (int, optional): integer index of optimizer's param groups, default is 0 """ betas = optimizer.param_groups[0].get("betas", None) momentum = optimizer.param_groups[0].get("momentum", None) if betas is not None: _, beta = betas optimizer.param_groups[index]["betas"] = (value, beta) elif momentum is not None: optimizer.param_groups[index]["momentum"] = value
[docs]def get_device() -> torch.device: """Simple returning the best available device (TPU > GPU > CPU).""" device = torch.device("cpu") if SETTINGS.xla_required: device = xm.xla_device() elif torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda") return device
[docs]def get_available_engine( cpu: bool = False, fp16: bool = False, ddp: bool = False, ) -> "Engine": """Returns available engine based on given arguments. Args: cpu (bool): option to use cpu for training. Default is `False`. ddp (bool): option to use DDP for training. Default is `False`. fp16 (bool): option to use APEX for training. Default is `False`. Returns: Engine which match requirements. """ from catalyst.engines.torch import ( CPUEngine, DataParallelEngine, DistributedDataParallelEngine, GPUEngine, ) if SETTINGS.xla_required: from catalyst.engines.torch import DistributedXLAEngine return DistributedXLAEngine() if cpu or not torch.cuda.is_available(): return CPUEngine() is_multiple_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() > 1 if is_multiple_gpus: if ddp: return DistributedDataParallelEngine(fp16=fp16) else: return DataParallelEngine(fp16=fp16) else: return GPUEngine(fp16=fp16)
[docs]def get_available_gpus(): """Array of available GPU ids. Examples: >>> os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0,2" >>> get_available_gpus() [0, 2] >>> os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0,-1,1" >>> get_available_gpus() [0] >>> os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "" >>> get_available_gpus() [] >>> os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1" >>> get_available_gpus() [] Returns: iterable: available GPU ids """ if "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" in os.environ: result = os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"].split(",") result = [id_ for id_ in result if id_ != ""] # invisible GPUs # if -1 in result: index = result.index(-1) result = result[:index] elif torch.cuda.is_available(): result = list(range(torch.cuda.device_count())) else: result = [] return result
[docs]def any2device( value: Union[Dict, List, Tuple, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, nn.Module], device: RunnerDevice, ) -> Union[Dict, List, Tuple, torch.Tensor, nn.Module]: """ Move tensor, list of tensors, list of list of tensors, dict of tensors, tuple of tensors to target device. Args: value: Object to be moved device: target device ids Returns: Same structure as value, but all tensors and np.arrays moved to device """ if isinstance(value, dict): return {k: any2device(v, device) for k, v in value.items()} elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): return [any2device(v, device) for v in value] elif torch.is_tensor(value): return, non_blocking=True) elif isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, np.void)) and value.dtype.fields is not None: return {k: any2device(value[k], device) for k in value.dtype.fields.keys()} elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): return torch.tensor(value, device=device) elif isinstance(value, nn.Module): return return value
[docs]def prepare_cudnn(deterministic: bool = None, benchmark: bool = None) -> None: """ Prepares CuDNN benchmark and sets CuDNN to be deterministic/non-deterministic mode Args: deterministic: deterministic mode if running in CuDNN backend. benchmark: If ``True`` use CuDNN heuristics to figure out which algorithm will be most performant for your model architecture and input. Setting it to ``False`` may slow down your training. """ if torch.cuda.is_available(): # CuDNN reproducibility # if deterministic is None: deterministic = os.environ.get("CUDNN_DETERMINISTIC", "True") == "True" cudnn.deterministic = deterministic # if benchmark is None: benchmark = os.environ.get("CUDNN_BENCHMARK", "True") == "True" cudnn.benchmark = benchmark
[docs]def get_requires_grad(model: TorchModel): """Gets the ``requires_grad`` value for all model parameters. Example:: >>> model = SimpleModel() >>> requires_grad = get_requires_grad(model) Args: model: model Returns: requires_grad: value """ requires_grad = {} for name, param in model.named_parameters(): requires_grad[name] = param.requires_grad return requires_grad
[docs]def set_requires_grad(model: TorchModel, requires_grad: Union[bool, Dict[str, bool]]): """Sets the ``requires_grad`` value for all model parameters. Example:: >>> model = SimpleModel() >>> set_requires_grad(model, requires_grad=True) >>> # or >>> model = SimpleModel() >>> set_requires_grad(model, requires_grad={""}) Args: model: model requires_grad: value """ if isinstance(requires_grad, dict): for name, param in model.named_parameters(): assert ( name in requires_grad ), f"Parameter `{name}` does not exist in requires_grad" param.requires_grad = requires_grad[name] else: requires_grad = bool(requires_grad) for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = requires_grad
def pack_checkpoint( model: RunnerModel = None, criterion: RunnerCriterion = None, optimizer: RunnerOptimizer = None, scheduler: RunnerScheduler = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dict: """ Packs ``model``, ``criterion``, ``optimizer``, ``scheduler`` and some extra info ``**kwargs`` to torch-based checkpoint. Args: model: torch model criterion: torch criterion optimizer: torch optimizer scheduler: torch scheduler **kwargs: some extra info to pack Returns: torch-based checkpoint with ``model_state_dict``, ``criterion_state_dict``, ``optimizer_state_dict``, ``scheduler_state_dict`` keys. """ checkpoint = kwargs for dict2save, name2save in zip( [model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler], ["model", "criterion", "optimizer", "scheduler"], ): if dict2save is None: continue if isinstance(dict2save, dict): for key, value in dict2save.items(): if value is not None: state_dict2save = name2save + "_" + str(key) + "_state_dict" value = get_nn_from_ddp_module(value) checkpoint[state_dict2save] = value.state_dict() else: # checkpoint[name2save] = dict2save name2save = name2save + "_state_dict" dict2save = get_nn_from_ddp_module(dict2save) checkpoint[name2save] = dict2save.state_dict() return checkpoint def unpack_checkpoint( checkpoint: Dict, model: RunnerModel = None, criterion: RunnerCriterion = None, optimizer: RunnerOptimizer = None, scheduler: RunnerScheduler = None, ) -> None: """Load checkpoint from file and unpack the content to a model (if not None), criterion (if not None), optimizer (if not None), scheduler (if not None). Args: checkpoint: checkpoint to load model: model where should be updated state criterion: criterion where should be updated state optimizer: optimizer where should be updated state scheduler: scheduler where should be updated state """ for dict2load, name2load in zip( [model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler], ["model", "criterion", "optimizer", "scheduler"], ): if dict2load is None: continue if isinstance(dict2load, dict): for key, value in dict2load.items(): if value is not None: state_dict2load = f"{name2load}_{key}_state_dict" value.load_state_dict(checkpoint[state_dict2load]) else: name2load = f"{name2load}_state_dict" dict2load.load_state_dict(checkpoint[name2load]) def save_checkpoint(checkpoint: Mapping[str, Any], path: str): """Saves checkpoint to a file. Args: checkpoint: data to save. path: filepath where checkpoint should be stored. """, path) def load_checkpoint(path: str): """Load checkpoint from path. Args: path: checkpoint file to load Returns: checkpoint content """ checkpoint = torch.load(path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) return checkpoint
[docs]def soft_update(target: nn.Module, source: nn.Module, tau: float) -> None: """Updates the `target` data with the `source` one smoothing by ``tau`` (inplace operation). Args: target: nn.Module to update source: nn.Module for updating tau: smoothing parametr """ for target_param, param in zip(target.parameters(), source.parameters()): * (1.0 - tau) + * tau)
[docs]def mixup_batch( batch: List[torch.Tensor], alpha: float = 0.2, mode: str = "replace" ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ Args: batch: batch to which you want to apply augmentation alpha: beta distribution a=b parameters. Must be >=0. The closer alpha to zero the less effect of the mixup. mode: algorithm used for muxup: ``"replace"`` | ``"add"``. If "replace" then replaces the batch with a mixed one, while the batch size is not changed If "add", concatenates mixed examples to the current ones, the batch size increases by 2 times. Returns: augmented batch """ assert alpha >= 0, "alpha must be>=0" assert mode in ("add", "replace"), f"mode must be in 'add', 'replace', get: {mode}" batch_size = batch[0].shape[0] beta = np.random.beta(alpha, alpha, batch_size).astype(np.float32) indexes = np.arange(batch_size) # index shift by 1 indexes_2 = (indexes + 1) % batch_size for idx, targets in enumerate(batch): device = targets.device targets_shape = [batch_size] + [1] * len(targets.shape[1:]) key_beta = torch.as_tensor(beta.reshape(targets_shape), device=device) targets = targets * key_beta + targets[indexes_2] * (1 - key_beta) if mode == "replace": batch[idx] = targets else: # mode == 'add' batch[idx] =[batch[idx], targets]) return batch
__all__ = [ "get_optimizer_momentum", "get_optimizer_momentum_list", "set_optimizer_momentum", "get_device", "get_available_gpus", "any2device", "prepare_cudnn", "get_requires_grad", "set_requires_grad", "get_available_engine", # "pack_checkpoint", # "unpack_checkpoint", # "save_checkpoint", # "load_checkpoint", "soft_update", "mixup_batch", ]