
Source code for catalyst.metrics.avg_precision

MAP metric.
from typing import Dict, List

import torch

[docs]def avg_precision( outputs: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor, k=10 ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate the Average Precision for RecSys. The precision metric summarizes the fraction of relevant items out of the whole the recommendation list. To compute the precision at k set the threshold rank k, compute the percentage of relevant items in topK, ignoring the documents ranked lower than k. The average precision at k (AP at k) summarizes the average precision for relevant items up to the k-th one. Wikipedia entry for the Average precision < oldid=793358396#Average_precision> If a relevant document never gets retrieved, we assume the precision corresponding to that relevant doc to be zero Args: outputs (torch.Tensor): Tensor weith predicted score size: [batch_size, slate_length] model outputs, logits targets (torch.Tensor): Binary tensor with ground truth. 1 means the item is relevant and 0 not relevant size: [batch_szie, slate_length] ground truth, labels k (int): The position to compute the truncated AP, must be positive Returns: result (torch.Tensor): The map score for each batch. size: [batch_size, 1] """ k = min(outputs.size(1), k) _, indices_for_sort = outputs.sort(descending=True, dim=-1) targets_sorted_by_outputs = torch.gather( targets, dim=-1, index=indices_for_sort ) targets_sorted_by_outputs_topk = targets_sorted_by_outputs[:, :k] precisions = torch.zeros_like(targets_sorted_by_outputs_topk) for index in range(k): precisions[:, index] = torch.sum( targets_sorted_by_outputs_topk[:, : (index + 1)], dim=1 ) / float(index + 1) only_relevant_precision = precisions * targets_sorted_by_outputs_topk ap = only_relevant_precision.sum(dim=1) / ( (only_relevant_precision != 0).sum(dim=1) ) ap[torch.isnan(ap)] = 0 return ap
[docs]def mean_avg_precision( outputs: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor, top_k: List[int] ) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Calculate the mean average precision (MAP) for RecSys. The metrics calculate the mean of the AP across all batches MAP amplifies the interest in finding many relevant items for each query Args: outputs (torch.Tensor): Tensor weith predicted score size: [batch_size, slate_length] model outputs, logits targets (torch.Tensor): Binary tensor with ground truth. 1 means the item is relevant and 0 not relevant size: [batch_szie, slate_length] ground truth, labels top_k (List[int]): List of parameter for evaluation topK items Returns: result (Dict[str, int]): The map score for every k. size: [len(top_k), 1] """ map_k_tuple = tuple( torch.mean(avg_precision(outputs, targets, k)).item() for k in top_k ) return map_k_tuple
__all__ = ["mean_avg_precision", "avg_precision"]