
Source code for catalyst.loggers.neptune

from typing import Dict, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from catalyst.core.logger import ILogger
from catalyst.settings import SETTINGS

if SETTINGS.neptune_required:
    import as neptune
    from catalyst.core.runner import IRunner

def _prepare_metrics(metrics):
    conflict_keys = []
    processed_metrics = dict(metrics)
    for k in list(processed_metrics.keys()):
        if k.endswith("/std"):
            k_stripped = k[:-4]
            k_val = k_stripped + "/val"
            if k_val not in processed_metrics.keys():
                processed_metrics[k_val] = processed_metrics.pop(k_stripped)
    for k in processed_metrics.keys():
        for j in processed_metrics.keys():
            if j.startswith(k) and j != k and k not in conflict_keys:
    for i in conflict_keys:
        processed_metrics[i + "_val"] = processed_metrics.pop(i)
    return processed_metrics

[docs]class NeptuneLogger(ILogger): """Neptune logger for parameters, metrics, images and other artifacts (videos, audio, model checkpoints, etc.). Neptune documentation: When the logger is created, link to the run in Neptune will be printed to stdout. It looks like this: To start with Neptune please check `Neptune getting-started docs <>`_ because you will need ``api_token`` and project to log your Catalyst runs to. .. note:: You can use public api_token ``ANONYMOUS`` and set project to ``common/catalyst-integration`` for testing without registration. Args: base_namespace: Optional, ``str``, root namespace within Neptune's run. Default is "experiment". api_token: Optional, ``str``. Your Neptune API token. Read more about it in the `Neptune docs <>`_. project: Optional, ``str``. Name of the project to log runs to. It looks like this: "my_workspace/my_project". run: Optional, pass Neptune run object if you want to continue logging to the existing run (resume run). Read more about it `here <>`_. log_batch_metrics: boolean flag to log batch metrics (default: SETTINGS.log_batch_metrics or False). log_epoch_metrics: boolean flag to log epoch metrics (default: SETTINGS.log_epoch_metrics or True). neptune_run_kwargs: Optional, additional keyword arguments to be passed directly to the `neptune.init() <>`_ function. Python API examples: .. code-block:: python from catalyst import dl runner = dl.SupervisedRunner() runner.train( ... loggers={ "neptune": dl.NeptuneLogger( project="my_workspace/my_project", tags=["pretraining", "retina"], ) } ) .. code-block:: python from catalyst import dl class CustomRunner(dl.IRunner): # ... def get_loggers(self): return { "console": dl.ConsoleLogger(), "neptune": dl.NeptuneLogger( project="my_workspace/my_project" ) } # ... runner = CustomRunner().run() """ def __init__( self, base_namespace=None, api_token=None, project=None, run=None, log_batch_metrics: bool = SETTINGS.log_batch_metrics, log_epoch_metrics: bool = SETTINGS.log_epoch_metrics, **neptune_run_kwargs, ): super().__init__( log_batch_metrics=log_batch_metrics, log_epoch_metrics=log_epoch_metrics ) if base_namespace is None: self.base_namespace = "experiment" else: self.base_namespace = base_namespace self._api_token = api_token self._project = project self._neptune_run_kwargs = neptune_run_kwargs if run is None: = neptune.init( project=self._project, api_token=self._api_token, **self._neptune_run_kwargs, ) else: = run try: import catalyst.__version__ as version["source_code/integrations/neptune-catalyst"] = version except (ImportError, NameError, AttributeError): pass @property def logger(self): """Internal logger/experiment/etc. from the monitoring system.""" return def _log_metrics(self, metrics: Dict[str, float], neptune_path: str, step: int): for key, value in metrics.items():[f"{neptune_path}/{key}"].log(value=float(value), step=step) def _log_image(self, image: np.ndarray, neptune_path: str):[neptune_path].log(neptune.types.File.as_image(image)) def _log_artifact(self, artifact: object, path_to_artifact: str, neptune_path: str): if artifact is not None:[neptune_path].upload(neptune.types.File.as_pickle(artifact)) elif path_to_artifact is not None:[neptune_path].upload(path_to_artifact) def log_artifact( self, tag: str, runner: "IRunner", artifact: object = None, path_to_artifact: str = None, scope: str = None, ) -> None: """Logs arbitrary file (audio, video, csv, etc.) to Neptune.""" if artifact is not None and path_to_artifact is not None: ValueError("artifact and path_to_artifact are mutually exclusive") if scope == "batch": neptune_path = "/".join( [ self.base_namespace, "_artifacts", f"epoch-{runner.epoch_step:04d}", f"loader-{runner.loader}", f"batch-{runner.batch_step:04d}", tag, ] ) elif scope == "loader": neptune_path = "/".join( [ self.base_namespace, "_artifacts", f"epoch-{runner.epoch_step:04d}", f"loader-{runner.loader}", tag, ] ) elif scope == "epoch": neptune_path = "/".join( [ self.base_namespace, "_artifacts", f"epoch-{runner.epoch_step:04d}", tag, ] ) elif scope == "experiment" or scope is None: neptune_path = "/".join([self.base_namespace, "_artifacts", tag]) self._log_artifact(artifact, path_to_artifact, neptune_path) def log_image( self, tag: str, image: np.ndarray, runner: "IRunner", scope: str = None, ) -> None: """Logs image to Neptune for current scope on current step.""" if scope == "batch" or scope == "loader": log_path = "/".join( [ self.base_namespace, "_images", f"epoch-{runner.epoch_step:04d}", f"loader-{runner.loader}", tag, ] ) elif scope == "epoch": log_path = "/".join( [self.base_namespace, "_images", f"epoch-{runner.epoch_step:04d}", tag] ) elif scope == "experiment" or scope is None: log_path = "/".join([self.base_namespace, "_images", tag]) self._log_image(image, log_path) def log_hparams(self, hparams: Dict, runner: "IRunner" = None) -> None: """Logs hyper-parameters to Neptune."""[f"{self.base_namespace}/hparams"] = hparams def log_metrics( self, metrics: Dict[str, float], scope: str, runner: "IRunner", ) -> None: """Logs batch, epoch and loader metrics to Neptune.""" if scope == "batch" and self.log_batch_metrics: neptune_path = "/".join([self.base_namespace, runner.loader_key, scope]) self._log_metrics( metrics=metrics, neptune_path=neptune_path, step=runner.sample_step ) elif scope == "loader" and self.log_epoch_metrics: neptune_path = "/".join([self.base_namespace, runner.loader_key, scope]) self._log_metrics( metrics=_prepare_metrics(metrics), neptune_path=neptune_path, step=runner.epoch_step, ) elif scope == "epoch" and self.log_epoch_metrics: loader_key = "_epoch_" prepared_metrics = _prepare_metrics(metrics[loader_key]) neptune_path = "/".join([self.base_namespace, scope]) if prepared_metrics: self._log_metrics( metrics=prepared_metrics, neptune_path=neptune_path, step=runner.epoch_step, ) elif scope == "experiment" or scope is None: self._log_metrics(metrics=metrics, neptune_path=self.base_namespace, step=0) def flush_log(self) -> None: """Flushes the loggers.""" pass def close_log(self, scope: str = None) -> None: """Closes the loggers."""
__all__ = ["NeptuneLogger"]